

Newton and the Counterfeiter: The Unknown Detective Career of the World's Greatest Scientist
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_levenson_career/  
主讲教师: Thomas Levenson
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2012-08-07
课程语种: 英语
谁知道人类最伟大的科学家之一也在伦敦的平均街道上作为一个侦探,或者同样心不在焉的教授帮助英格兰从伦敦塔的办公室修复其货币政策?托马斯·莱文森(Thomas Levenson)在他自己的英国历史上有一个鲜为人知但又重要的事件,包括艾萨克·牛顿爵士(Sir Isaac Newton) - 他最近出版的书“牛顿和造假者:世界上最伟大的科学家的未知侦探事业”的主题,带来了各种各样的惊喜。 Levenson在研究更大的科学历史时偶然发现了他的故事:他在“绝望的人类声音”中读到了Newton’ s文件中的一封信:” William Chaloner于1699年被困在Newgate Jail,面对叛国罪(伪造)。勒文森十年来无法将这对不可能的一对联系在一起,直到他在英国造币厂担任公务员时,在牛顿签署的400份文件中藏金。 Levenson的故事拼凑在一起,Chaloner从他的农村起源到17世纪伦敦遭受瘟疫袭击的狡猾的犯罪生涯,以及Newton的世界知名自然哲学家在孤立的剑桥大学的通道,以及皇家造币厂承诺的sinecure 。他们交织在一起的命运的故事说明了科学开始不仅在知识分子身上,而且在整个社会中都有其成就的时代。列文森描述了科学革命如何意味着“更广泛的思维变革”。解决问题的新方法使普通民众起得更好。牛顿进入他在伦敦的第二职业生涯,发现英国货币处于危机状态:猖獗的假冒伪劣以及现有货币的白银损失。这种状况背后的天才之一是Chaloner,他曾经来过“铸造”。通过色情手表这样的赚钱计划。 Levenson描述了“牛顿在工作中的思想”和“ronquo​​;当他建立证据链并用精心制作的陷阱追捕他的猎物时,包括伪造帮派中的线人和双重间谍。 Levenson发现了“Newton’ s rut​​hlessness”的证据”。因为他将Chaloner带到了gibbet,其案例“修辞和说服力不仅仅是准确的”。”在他们的计算和驱动中,两个人都以某种方式捕捉到了时代的新科学精神。 Levenson说,“当大创意发生时,他们不会发生在自己的领域。有一种效果远远超出它们。如果它们对人们过着自己的生活方式很重要,那么人们就会发现它们并与它们一起做事......”
课程简介: Who knew that one of mankind’s greatest scientists also worked as a gumshoe on London’s mean streets, or that this same absent-minded professor helped England fix its monetary policy from an office in the Tower of London? Thomas Levenson brings all sorts of surprises to light in his own sleuthing of a little known but significant episode in British history involving Sir Isaac Newton -- subject of his recent book, Newton and the Counterfeiter: The Unknown Detective Career of the World's Greatest Scientist. Levenson stumbled onto his story while working on a larger history of science: He read a letter in Newton’s files from a “human voice in desperation:” William Chaloner, stuck in Newgate Jail in 1699, facing the gallows for treason (counterfeiting). Levenson was unable to link together this unlikely pair for a decade, until he struck gold in a stash of 400 documents signed by Newton while he served as a civil servant in the British Mint. The tale Levenson pieced together follows Chaloner from his rural origins to a cunning criminal career in plague-stricken 17th century London, as well as Newton’s passage from world-renowned natural philosopher in isolated Cambridge University, to a promised sinecure in the Royal Mint. The tale of their intertwined fates illuminates a time when science was beginning to make its mark not just on the intelligentsia, but on all of society. Levenson describes how the scientific revolution meant “a much broader change in thinking,” new ways of problem-solving that gave even common people a leg up. Newton entered his second career in London to find the English currency in a state of crisis: rampant counterfeiting, as well as the loss of silver from existing currency. One of the geniuses behind this state of affairs was Chaloner, who had come to “coining” by way of such money-making schemes as pornographic watches. Levenson describes “Newton’s mind at work” as he builds chains of evidence and pursues his prey with elaborate traps, including informants and double agents placed in counterfeiting gangs. Levenson finds “evidence of Newton’s ruthlessness,” as he brings Chaloner to the gibbet with a case that “was rhetorical and persuasive more than precisely accurate.” In their calculation and drive, both men somehow captured the new scientific spirit of the times. Says Levenson, “When big ideas happen, they don’t just happen in own spheres. There’s an effect that spreads well beyond them. And if they matter to the way people lead their lives, then people will find out about them and do things with them...”
关 键 词: 自然哲学家; 牛顿; 伪造的主题
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-09-25:yumf
阅读次数: 88