学生评论2006 MLK早餐

Student Remarks 2006 MLK Breakfast
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_lowry_pope_sr/  
主讲教师: David Lowry, John Pope
开课单位: 北卡罗来纳大学
开课时间: 2010-08-18
课程语种: 英语
这两位年轻人带着苦涩和希望的混合,讲述了马丁路德金的遗产。 Lumbee印第安人大卫·洛瑞(David Lowry)在北卡罗来纳州东南部长大,大部分Lumbee人居住在那里。他说他的Lumbee印第安人血统令人信服,他需要在麻省理工学院及其他地方得到认可,这是政府甚至其他印第安人认为是真实而独特的人群的一部分。 “种族隔离的精神在今天很活跃,并且“rdquo;他说。虽然政治正确性鼓励有色人种学生不觉得有义务透露自己的种族,但洛瑞却蔑视自己。如何挑战一个占主导地位的社会,这个社会不仅操纵媒体中的有色人种,而且在国家灾难中忽视它们,并将它们以不成比例的数量发送给战争。约翰·波普说,对于中产阶级和上层阶级来说,穷人几乎是看不见的 - 几十年后,金博士开始了他的贫困战争。作为一个国家,当卡特里娜飓风来袭时,我们经历了一个光明的时刻,并揭示了富人与穷人之间残酷的不平等。 “半年后,”教皇说,“穷人正逐渐消失。””八分之一的美国人生活在贫困线以下。他劝告他的同学和同事“向那些不幸的人提供一些东西,”。无论是资源还是时间。他说,停下来掏腰包给慈善机构,或写信给国会议员,让他们在起草立法时牢记国家的贫困。 “无论是在城市学校,汤厨房还是庇护所,他都会恳求,”离开校园,给自己一些东西。“
课程简介: With a mix of bitterness and hope, these two young men address the legacy of Martin Luther King. David Lowry, a Lumbee Indian, grew up in southeastern North Carolina where the great majority of the Lumbee people reside. He speaks compellingly of his Lumbee Indian ancestry, and his need to be recognized at MIT and beyond as part of a group that goes unrecognized by the government and even by other Native Americans as an authentic and distinct people. “The spirit of segregation is alive and well today,” he says. While political correctness encourages students of color not to feel obligated to reveal their ethnicity, Lowry embraces his own defiantly. How else to challenge a dominant society that not only manipulates people of color in the media, but neglects them in national disasters, and sends them in disproportionate numbers to war. For the middle and upper classes, says John Pope, the poor are pretty much invisible—decades after Dr. King began his War on Poverty. As a nation, we experienced a moment of illumination when Hurricane Katrina struck, and revealed the brutal inequities between the well-to-do and the poor. Half a year later, says Pope, the “poor are fading back out of sight.” One out of eight Americans lives below the poverty line. He exhorts his fellow students and colleagues “to offer something to those less fortunate,” whether resources or time. Stop and reach into your pockets and give to charities, he says, or write to a Congressman about keeping the nation’s poor in mind when drafting legislation. Whether at an urban school, soup kitchen or shelter, he pleads, “Get off campus and give something of yourself.”
关 键 词: 麻省理工学院; 阶级; 数字战争; 贫穷
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-07-05:liush
阅读次数: 32