
Why do We Need Differential Pricing?/Industry Perspective
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_mcclellan_lewent_wndp/  
主讲教师: Judy C.Lewent Mark B. McClellan
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2013-03-20
课程语种: 英语
为什么我们需要差别化定价?/行业视角第一款平板电脑或一种新药的价格是以8亿美元的价格出售的 - –根据R& D在制药行业最近的研究。但制造后续药丸的成本几乎是便士。什么是对生活改善或拯救生命的药物定价的公平方式?论坛这一部分的两位发言者大力捍卫在世界不同地区收取不同的药品价格。 Judy Lewent认为差别定价可确保全球访问。她说,“用人们无法承受的价格销售毒品毫无意义。”它还产生了产生新疗法所需的收入。 “当我们为访问定价时,它反映了我们对自由市场推动社会利益的力量的信念。我们可以满足世界的健康需求,并且可以获利并继续预防,治疗和治疗疾病。” Mark McClellan看到了药物治疗的新秩序,例如根据个体患者的需要定制分子。但是,他说,如果目前的趋势继续下去,我们将无法获得这些潜在疗法的好处:各国联合起来降低公民的药品成本,重新进口品牌创新药品。麦克莱伦说,如果我们不“提供反映创新价值的经济回报”,我们可能无法继续获得生物技术所带来的改善。”两位发言者都支持更实惠的药品,但通过保险而不是价格控制。
课程简介: Why do We Need Differential Pricing?/Industry Perspective The very first tablet or drop of a new medicine comes at a dear price-- $800 million – according to recent studies of R&D in pharmaceutical industries. But manufacturing subsequent pills costs literally pennies. What’s a fair way to price life-improving, or life-saving medicine? The two speakers in this part of the forum vigorously defend charging different prices for medicines in different parts of the world. Judy Lewent argues that differential pricing ensures global access. She says, “There would be little sense selling drugs at prices people can’t afford.” It also generates the revenues necessary to generate new cures. “When we price for access, it’s a reflection of our belief in the power of free markets to advance the social good. We can meet the world’s health needs and also make a profit and continue to prevent, treat and cure disease.” Mark McClellan sees on the horizon a new order of drug treatments, such as tailoring molecules to the needs of an individual patient. But, he says, we won’t reap the benefits of these potential cures if current trends continue: nations that band together to lower drug costs for their citizens, and the reimportation of brand name innovator drug products. McClellan says if we don’t “provide financial rewards that reflect the value of innovation, we may not continue to get improvements that biotech makes possible.” Both speakers endorse more affordable medicines, but through insurance coverage rather than price controls.
关 键 词: 差别定价; 行业透视; 不同地区; 趋势
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-06-29:liush
阅读次数: 62