

Reflections on an MIT Education
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_pappalardo_education/  
主讲教师: A. Neil Pappalardo
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2012-08-07
课程语种: 英语
“在他的麻省理工学院经历中,Neil Pappalardo将他的故事与麻省理工学院的毕业生分享,并希望能够为他们提供”未来可能性的概念“。他的故事始于1964年,当时作为物理学的高级专业,他决定撰写一篇关于医学主题的论文,Pappalardo指出,他没有参加过一门设计或综合课程。他在波士顿的一家医院找到了心脏病专家,寻找一种节省劳动力的方法来分析时间’值得EKG数据。几个月后,他发明了一种解决问题的设备,毕业于电气工程专业,并开始在马萨诸塞州综合医院工作。获得的经验:“麻省理工学院的教育将唤醒你内在的创造力和发现。” Pappalardo讲述了他早期的经济困难(为了给妻子买钢琴,他不得不卖血12周),以及试图通过全新改善医院的复杂且经常容易出错的工作的挫折计算机系统的概念。 “每个人都知道计算机可以用于财务会计,” Pappalardo回忆起人们告诉他,“但他们永远无法协调临床过程,治疗或护理。”没有人相信有些年轻人可以解决医院管理的复杂问题。然而,他确定了并且采取了“麻省理工学院必须提供的每一门计算机科学课程 - 所有这两门课程。””与一些合作伙伴程序员一起,Pappalardo在六个月内提出了一个自动化系统,以减少医院临床实验室测试中的错误。经验教训:严格的麻省理工学院教育将激发你内心的激情。 1968年,一位26岁的Pappalardo,三个孩子的父亲离开了Mass General,开办了自己的公司。虽然风险投资喜欢他的软件,但如果医院不得不在价值20万美元的电脑上购买,他们并不认为他的商业计划会飞。所以Pappalardo用一个大胆的创新调整了计划:在他公司的计算机上运行软件,并使用电话线连接到医院。风投对此印象深刻,Meditech于1969年8月4日正式出生,与Pappalardo的第四个孩子同一天出生。从那时起,Pappalardo的公司已经发展成为一套全面的医疗,行政和财务软件产品,为全球2,200家医院的2500万患者提供服务。他已成为麻省理工学院最慷慨的赞助人之一。 Pappalardo说:“麻省理工学院的学位将打开大门,并赋予信心。” Pappalardo关闭:愿你自己的孩子为你感到自豪,你的成就和骄傲;以及你对社会的贡献。
课程简介: In a neat series of time capsules tagged to his MIT experience, Neil Pappalardo shares his story with MIT graduates in the hope that it will give them “an idea of the possibilities that lie ahead.” His story begins in 1964, when as a senior majoring in Physics, he decided to pursue a thesis on a medical topic, without, Pappalardo notes, having attended a single course in design or synthesis. He met cardiologists at a Boston hospital searching for a labor-saving way to analyze hours’ worth of EKG data. In a matter of months, he had invented a device to solve the problem, graduated in Electrical Engineering, and set out for a career at Mass. General Hospital. Lesson learned: “An MIT education will awaken creativity and discovery within you.” Pappalardo recounts his early financial hardships (he had to sell blood for 12 weeks in order to buy a piano for his wife), as well as setbacks in trying to improve the complex and often error-prone workings of the hospital, via the entirely new concept of computer systems. “Everyone knows computers can be used for financial accounting,” Pappalardo recalls people telling him, “but they can never orchestrate clinical processes, treatment or care.” No one believed someone as young as he could tackle the complexities of hospital administration. He was determined, though, and took “every computer science course MIT has to offer -- all two of them.” With some partner programmers, Pappalardo in six months came up with an automated system to reduce errors in clinical laboratory tests at the hospital. Lesson: A rigorous MIT education will ignite passion within you. In 1968, a 26-year-old Pappalardo, father of three, departed Mass General to start his own company. While venture capital liked his software, they didn’t think his business plan would fly if hospitals had to purchase it on $200 thousand computers. So Pappalardo tweaked the plan with a bold innovation: Run the software on his company’s computer and use a phone line to connect to the hospital. The VCs were impressed, and Meditech was formally born, August 4, 1969, the same day as Pappalardo’s fourth child. Since then, Pappalardo’s company has grown to provide a comprehensive set of medical, administrative, and financial software products, serving 25 million patients in 2,200 hospitals worldwide. And he has become one of MIT’s most generous patrons. Says Pappalardo: “An MIT degree will open doors, and bestow confidence.” Pappalardo closes: May your own children be proud of you, of your accomplishments … and of your contributions to society.
关 键 词: 麻省理工学院; 教育; 思考
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-07-12:yumf
阅读次数: 35