
Innovation Everywhere—Why the World Isn’t Flat Enough
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_pentland_wales_hafkin_balsan_st...  
主讲教师: Jimmy Wales; Nancy Hafkin; Alex (Sandy) Pentland; John M. Stelling, Damien Balsan
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2013-03-06
课程语种: 英语
数字通信的上涨并没有平等地提升所有船只,并且有可能完全搁浅其他船只,其中一些小组成员担心。南希·哈夫金(Nancy Hafkin)指出全球互联网使用方面的性别差距持续存在。在意大利,那里的网络渗透率很高,“女性使用率与Krygizstan相同。”更糟糕的是,根据Hafkin的说法,在世界上几乎每个国家,女性在信息技术教育和职业生涯中的代表性都不足,非洲和欧洲都有最严重的案例。她警告说,自1985年达到顶峰以来,在美国注册美国计算机科学专业的女性比例已经下降了80%。约翰·斯特林认为“存在的技术的不平等传播”。虽然医学进步可以消除许多疾病,但由于酗酒和艾滋病毒,俄罗斯等地的预期寿命正在下降。女性在西非的死亡率约为美国的35倍,Stelling认为信息技术的部署可以“创造新的机会”。为这些发展中地区提供更有效,准确和便利的医疗服务。这个问题涉及扩大这种技术的范围,使这些国家的富裕人口能够受益。达米恩巴尔桑找到理由希望通过相对简单的方式对发展中社会进行大规模转型,例如他的超低成本手机,它们可以作为“商家的信用卡接收设备”。 巴尔桑说,在像中国这样的地方,大量的零售商都不会接受信用卡,这会阻碍经济发展。 Balsan说,电子支付产生了数亿美元的额外消费支出,最终推动了一个国家的GDP增长。墨西哥政府赞助的一项计划促进了偏远地区的此类支付,允许女性“为婴儿购买牛奶或东西”。吉米威尔士对政府行为缺乏信心。他大胆地宣称,“技术将通过高度分散的活动促成世界的繁荣”。实际上,人们会弄清楚自己需要什么,以及如何实现它。”政府的最佳功能是“保护个人权利和利益;因此人们可以利用技术改善自己的生活。”
课程简介: The rising tide of digital communication has not lifted all boats equally, and threatens to leave others stranded altogether, worry some of these panelists. Nancy Hafkin notes a continued gender gap in internet use around the world. In Italy, where there’s high web penetration, “women user rates are the same as Krygizstan.” What’s worse, according to Hafkin, in virtually every country of the world women are underrepresented in information technology education and careers, with the worst cases found in both Africa and Europe. She warns that the percentage of women enrolling in the U.S. as computer science majors in college has dropped 80% since its peak in 1985. John Stelling perceives an “unequal dissemination of technologies that exist.” While medical advances can eliminate many diseases, life expectancy is dropping in places like Russia due to alcoholism and HIV. Women’s mortality in West Africa is about 35 times higher than in the U.S., and Stelling believes that deployment of information technology could “create new opportunities” to deliver health care more efficiently, accurately and conveniently to such developing regions. The issue involves broadening the reach of such technology so that more than wealthy pockets of these nations can benefit. Damien Balsan finds reason to hope for a massive transformation of developing societies through relatively simple means like his ultra low cost mobile phones, which perform as “credit card acceptance devices for merchants.” In places like China, a vast number of retailers don’t accept credit cards, holding back the economy, says Balsan. Electronic payments, says Balsan, generate hundreds of millions of dollars of additional consumer spending, which ultimately drives growth in a nation’s GDP. A government-sponsored program in Mexico promotes such payments in remote areas, allowing women “to buy milk or things for their babies.” Jimmy Wales has less faith in government action. He boldly claims, “Technology will give rise to prosperity in the world through highly distributed activity…. Realistically people figure out themselves what they need and how to achieve it.” Government functions best by “protecting individual rights…so people can use technology to better their own lives.”
关 键 词: 数字通信浪潮; 性别差距; 互联网世界; 不平等
课程来源: 麻省理工学院公开课
最后编审: 2020-06-22:chenxin
阅读次数: 60