
Challenges to Implementation
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_quick_williams_cooper_dikhanoc_...  
主讲教师: Yuri Dikhanov, Gary S. Cooper, Gareth O. Williams, Jonathan D. Quick
开课单位: 剑桥大学
开课时间: 2013-03-20
课程语种: 英语
在这个关于国际药品定价的总结小组中,发言者讨论了全球药品贸易中涉及的法律陷阱和复杂性。 Gareth Williams指出,关键TRIPS协议(一项有助于保护知识产权的国际法)的实施进展缓慢。法律“无法阻止各国采取措施保护公共健康”。关于药物专利的实施已经推迟到2016年发展中国家。欧盟已经创建了一个“堡垒欧洲”。在哪里可以从社区外部导入产品。加里·古德温警告与会者不要非正式地谈论毒品价格,以免他们被当局视为勾结。竞争监管机构对制药行业代表在遇到价格固定计划时的可能性越来越敏感,包括这样的公共论坛。 “任何关于制药公司今天应该就他们可能使用或提倡的定价公式达成共识的建议都是有问题的,不应该受理。”尤里·迪克哈诺夫(Yuri Dikhanov)描述了世界银行内部努力创造复杂的公式,通过这些公式计算不仅国家而且公民的财富,收入和购买力。该企业的一部分是国际比较项目,该项目试图在150个国家/地区测量1000多种产品和服务的价格。这个“非常复杂的聚合””将形成一个指数的基础,该指数最终可能使国际药品的价格更加公平和切合实际。
课程简介: In this concluding panel about international drug pricing, speakers discuss the legal pitfalls and complexities involved in global pharmaceutical trade. Gareth Williams notes that the implementation of the key TRIPS agreement (an international law that helps defend intellectual property) has been slow. The law “cannot prevent nations from taking steps to protect public health,” and its implementation regarding drug patents has been delayed until 2016 for developing nations. The European Union has created a “fortress Europe,” where you can’t import products from outside the community. Gary Goodwin cautions conference attendees against chatting even informally about drug prices, lest they be viewed by authorities as colluding. Competition watchdogs are increasingly sensitive to the possibility that pharmaceutical industry representatives engage in price-fixing schemes whenever they meet—including public forums such as this. “Any suggestion that pharmaceutical companies today should reach consensus on a pricing formula they might use or advocate, would be problematic and should not be entertained.” Yuri Dikhanov describes efforts within the World Bank to create sophisticated formulas by which to calculate the wealth, income and purchasing power not only of different nations but of their citizens. One part of this enterprise is the International Comparison Project, which attempts to gauge 1000-plus prices for products and services across 150 countries. This “very complex aggregate” would form the basis for an index that might ultimately enable more equitable and realistic price-setting for medicines internationally.
关 键 词: 法律的缺陷; 问题的复杂性; 定价方案
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-06-13:zyk
阅读次数: 44