
Building Technology, Talent and Policy Bridges to a Low-Carbon Future
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_rogers_bttp/  
主讲教师: James Rogers
开课单位: 杜克能源公司
开课时间: 2010-10-20
课程语种: 英语
在公用事业行业工作了20多年后,詹姆斯罗杰斯强调我们必须“建立通往低碳世界的桥梁”。他承认传教士对清洁能源的热情,以及他必须重塑自己的事业,Duke Energy。罗杰斯援引3,12和41作为定义他的挑战的关键数字:杜克在五个州拥有四百万客户,是美国公司中排名第三的二氧化碳排放国,世界第十二大企业排放国,在国家中排名第41位如果公司是一个国家。罗杰斯用他称之为“大教堂思维”的术语来构思挑战。”正如设计和建造巴黎圣母院需要三代人一样,解决碳问题需要几十年的时间。 “我们花了100年才到这里,并且需要一段时间才能摆脱这个…。我们需要一种紧迫感,但不是一种恐慌感和恐惧感;一种希望感,而不是一种恐惧感。 “他说出了“公司的两个愿望”。第一个涉及电力供应的现代化和去碳化,他认为如果碳捕获和下一代核技术证明自己可以实现。第二个愿望是尽可能提高能源效率,即使电力需求上升。减少温室气体排放将意味着让政治家支持经济上限和二氧化碳交易,并通过“补贴来帮助那些依赖煤炭的人过渡。”罗杰斯提醒我们,二十五个州的电力超过50%来自煤炭。消费者反抗可能会阻止有意义的法律通过。在追求缓解的同时,我们也必须努力适应。罗杰斯发现很难让我们的政客们帮助像孟加拉国这样最容易受到变暖影响的地方。最重要的是,美国必须开始资助技术研发。罗杰斯对政客的绝望负责任地分散了R& D美元,因此他建议国家信托基金专注于此类支出。作为激励机制的坚定信徒,罗杰斯希望奖励用于节省电力的公用事业。他说“能源效率是你发电的五种方式之一 - 它应该被视为一种生产选择。” Duke Energy正试图通过煤电厂的现代化来提高效率,并希望找到优化和简化其运营的软件。客户和投资者经常评估罗杰斯’表现,他最关心的是他的家庭未来的判断。 “在一天结束时,我希望我的孙子们说我的爷爷在面对3,12,12时做出了正确的决定。”
课程简介: After 20-plus years in the utility industry, James Rogers is emphatic that we must “build a bridge to a low carbon world.” He confesses to a missionary zeal around clean energy, and to the fact that he must reinvent his business, Duke Energy. Rogers invokes 3, 12 and 41 as the key numbers defining his challenge: Duke, with four million customers in five states, is the third largest emitter of CO2 among U.S. companies, the 12th largest corporate emitter in the world, and, 41st among nations if the firm were a country. Rogers conceives of the challenge in terms he calls “cathedral thinking.” Just as it took three generations to design and build Notre Dame, so will it take decades to resolve the carbon issue. “It took us 100 years to get here, and will take a while to get out of this…. We need a sense of urgency, but not a sense of panic…a sense of hope, not a sense of fear. “ He names “two aspirations for the company.” The first involves modernizing and de-carbonizing the power supply, which he thinks can be accomplished if carbon capture and the next generation of nuclear technology prove themselves. The second aspiration is to maximize energy efficiency, even as demand for electricity rises. Reducing greenhouse emissions will mean getting politicians to back an economy wide cap and trade on CO2, with “allowances to help make the transition for those dependent on coal.” Twenty-five states get more than 50% of their electricity from coal, Rogers reminds us. A consumer revolt might prevent meaningful laws from passing. While pursuing mitigation, we must also struggle with adaptation. Rogers detects great difficulty getting our politicians to aid places like Bangladesh that will most suffer from warming. Above all, the U.S. must start funding technology R&D. Rogers despairs of politicians responsibly dispersing R&D dollars, so he recommends a national trust fund to focus such spending. As a firm believer in incentives, Rogers would like to reward utilities for saving watts. He says “energy efficiency is one of the five ways you generate electricity -- it should be treated as a production option.” Duke Energy is attempting to achieve efficiencies by modernizing coal plants, and hopes to find software to optimize and streamline its operations as well. While customers and investors routinely evaluate Rogers’ performance, he most cares about his family’s judgment in the future. “At the end of the day, I want my grandchildren to say my granddaddy made the right decision when faced with 3, 12, 41.”
关 键 词: 低碳; 能源效率; 性能评估
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-06-29:yumf
阅读次数: 34