

George Soros on The New Paradigm for Financial Markets
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_soros_caballero_interview/  
主讲教师: Ricardo J. Caballero, George Soros
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2012-08-07
课程语种: 英语
乔治索罗斯延伸了他的“反思性理论”。从投资领域的抽象到应用。他的着作“金融市场的新范式”及时了解了2008年达到高潮的信贷危机。他的观点落在了预见和辩护之间。然而,他承认错误:“凭借我所有的伟大,深刻的理解,我不会总是让市场正确。”rdquo;在与里卡多卡瓦列罗的谈话中,索罗斯叙述了他生命中的形成经历 - 在德国占领匈牙利后幸存下来 - “远离平衡的情况。”他认为他的父亲认识到“正常规则不适用”并且“适用”并伪造文件,允许家庭逃脱法西斯主义。索罗斯将他在大学期间的智力发展归功于卡尔波普尔的哲学。这使他最终质疑“完善知识和完全竞争”的经济假设。 他的结论是,市场不存在于真空中,也不是自发地自我纠正。思维参与者引入摩擦,不可避免地影响结果的好坏。索罗斯认为这种现象是认知功能干扰操纵功能,反之亦然,因此他的理论具有反身性。 “路径依赖很大程度上是由于不完善的理解,“rdquo;他声明并且“行动会产生意想不到的后果。”索罗斯一次又一次地预测到金融泡沫,并利用他预见的机会。卡瓦列罗引发了他关于泡沫形成和崩溃的想法。 “索罗斯的隐喻是”人们继续跳舞,即使他们意识到音乐即将停止。“他说,最常见的泡沫是房地产,其中误解就是价值“与贷款意愿无关。”索罗斯断言,“超级气泡已经增长了至少25年”。 80年代早期的国际银行危机和拉丁债务定期表现出来; 1997年的新兴市场危机;互联网技术爆炸;过度平衡造成房地产泡沫;并且石油和商品价格上涨。他还指责金融创新和债务证券化。 “人们的贷款习惯变得非常松散”并且通过将代理人与委托人分开来增加风险。”索罗斯对更健全的金融体系的处方开始于将问题抵押贷款减少到当前价值的80%,从而最大限度地减少取消抵押品赎回权并防止房价进一步下跌。他还建议对银行进行资本重组以鼓励贷款,并将准备金要求降至6%。他的终极建议听起来很简单:“稳定全球经济。”
课程简介: George Soros extends his “theory of reflexivity” from abstraction to application in the realm of investing. His book, The New Paradigm for Financial Markets, offers a timely look at the credit crisis that reached crescendo in 2008. His views fall between prescience and vindication. Nevertheless, he concedes fallibility: “With all my great, deep understanding, I don’t always get the markets right.” In conversation with Ricardo Caballero, Soros recounts the formative experience of his life -- surviving the German occupation of Hungary -- “a far from equilibrium situation.” He credits his father for recognizing that “the normal rules don’t apply” and falsifying documents permitting the family’s escape from fascism. Soros attributes his intellectual development during college to the philosophy of Karl Popper. This led him eventually to question the economic postulate of “perfect knowledge and perfect competition.”He concluded that markets do not exist in a vacuum nor spontaneously self-correct. Thinking participants introduce friction, inevitably influencing outcomes for better or worse. Soros characterizes this phenomenon as the cognitive function interfering with the manipulative function and vice versa, thus the reflexivity of his theory. “Path dependence is very much due to imperfect understanding,” he states and “actions have unintended consequences.” Time and again Soros has anticipated financial bubbles and capitalized on opportunities he foresaw. Caballero elicits his ideas on bubble formation and collapse. Soros’s metaphor is “people go on dancing even though they realize that the music is about to stop.” He says the most common bubble is real estate where the misconception is that value “is independent of the willingness to lend.” Soros asserts that a “superbubble has been growing for at least 25 years,” periodically manifested by the international banking crisis and Latin debt in the early ’80s; 1997’s emerging market crisis; the Internet technology explosion; overleveraging that created the housing bubble; and escalating oil and commodity prices. He also faults financial innovation and securitization of debt. “People became very loose in their lending habits” and increased risk “by separating agent from principal.” Soros’s prescription for a sounder financial system begins with reducing troubled mortgages to 80% of current value, thereby minimizing foreclosures and preventing further decline of housing prices. He also recommends recapitalizing banks to encourage lending, and lowering the reserve requirement to 6%. His ultimate suggestion sounds simple enough: “Stabilize the global economy.”
关 键 词: 认知功能的干扰与操纵功能; 金融创新; 健全的财政制度; 全球经济
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2021-12-27:liyy
阅读次数: 68