
New Media, Old Politics?
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_thorburn_jenkins_loporto_trippi...  
主讲教师: Garret LoPorto, Joseph Trippi, David Thorburn, Henry Jenkins
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2013-03-08
课程语种: 英语
在该小组的共同判断中,万维网将强烈塑造这个国家政治的未来,无论好坏。亨利詹金斯描述了从Pat Buchanan到Jesse Ventura的媒体精明的候选人如何掌握了互联网的力量。他们直接与在网上冲浪的被剥夺公民权利的公民交谈,将自己描绘成说话朴素,自以为是的外人。詹金斯认为2004年的竞选活动是“陷入互联网和电视之间的交火”。他担心电视转播事件即时网络评论的现象 - 例如对霍华德迪恩的回应“我有一个尖叫声”。演讲—让公众参与负面竞选活动,最终减少选民投票率。 Garret LoPorto认为,互联网可以通过激励具有共同信仰系统的个人来实现新的政治形式。习惯做法是大众市场 - “灌输”,“扼杀”。 LoPorto说 - 通过广播媒体,采用人口统计数据。 LoPorto拥抱新的“病毒式营销”,“rdquo;它强调“心理学”。 LoPorto说,互联网鼓励个人展示自己并表达他们关心的事物。诀窍是在网络上找到并传播“增强人们身份的想法”。然后围绕共同关注建立网络。 Web组织MoveOn和True Majority使用这些方法快速构建了大型成员资格。 Joe Trippi是小组的乐观主义者。他承认,基于互联网的团体可以打击政治对手,但他们相信互联网最终会成为美国人的一种祸害。增加,电视产生的隔离。互联网协作可以激励人们进行社会和政治活动。在成千上万的基于网络的聚会团体和贡献的推动下,“迪恩竞选活动在对抗一个失败的政治体系中崛起。”
课程简介: In the common judgment of this panel, the World Wide Web will strongly shape the future of politics in this country, for good or ill. Henry Jenkins describes how media savvy candidates, from Pat Buchanan to Jesse Ventura, have grasped the strength of the internet. They speak directly to disenfranchised citizens surfing the Web, painting themselves as plain-speaking, opinionated outsiders. Jenkins sees the 2004 campaign as “caught in the crossfire between the internet and TV.” He worries that the phenomenon of instant Web commentary on televised events—such as the response to Howard Dean’s “I have a scream” speech—gets the public involved in a game of negative campaigning, and ultimately decreases voter turnout. Garret LoPorto believes that the internet may enable a new kind of politics to emerge—by motivating individuals with shared belief systems. The customary approach is to mass market --“indoctrinate,” says LoPorto-- via broadcast media, employing demographics. LoPorto embraces the new “viral marketing,” which emphasizes “psychographics.” The internet encourages individuals to reveal themselves and express what they care about, says LoPorto. The trick is to find and transmit on the Web “ideas that enhance people’s identities,” and then to build networks around common concerns. The Web organizations MoveOn and True Majority quickly built large memberships using these methods. Joe Trippi is the panel’s optimist. He acknowledges that internet-based groups can bludgeon political opponents, but believes the internet will ultimately prove a balm for Americans’ increasing, TV-generated isolation. Internet collaboration can inspire people to social and political activism. Driven by thousands of Web-based meet-up groups and contributions, “the Dean campaign was the bottom rising up in power against a political system that was failing the country.”
关 键 词: 计算机互联网; 社会科学; 新闻; 社会; 政治
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-06-28:yumf
阅读次数: 29