
Humans Learn Using Manifolds, Reluctantly
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/nips2010_zhu_hlu/  
主讲教师: Jerry (Xiaojin) Zhu
开课单位: 威斯康星大学
开课时间: 2011-01-02
课程语种: 英语
当特征空间中未标记数据的分布位于流形上时, 学习者可以使用它提供的信息来帮助在半监督环境中进行分类。虽然多流式学习在机器学习中很有名, 但流形在人类学习中的使用在很大程度上是没有研究的。我们进行了一组实验, 测试一个人在半监督的学习任务中, 在不同的条件下使用流形的能力。我们表明, 可以鼓励人类使用流形, 克服了对一个简单的, 轴-平行的线性边界的强烈偏好。
课程简介: When the distribution of unlabeled data in feature space lies along a manifold, the information it provides may be used by a learner to assist classification in a semi-supervised setting. While manifold learning is well-known in machine learning, the use of manifolds in human learning is largely unstudied. We perform a set of experiments which test a human's ability to use a manifold in a semi-supervised learning task, under varying conditions. We show that humans may be encouraged into using the manifold, overcoming the strong preference for a simple, axis-parallel linear boundary.
关 键 词: 特征空间; 数据的分布; 流形学习
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-09-27:yumf
阅读次数: 63