MVRDV, The Netherlands
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/notmorenotless2011_rijs_mvrdv/  
主讲教师: Jacob van Rijs
开课单位: MVRDV公司
开课时间: 2011-04-01
课程语种: 英语
与Nathalie de Vries和Winy Maas一起,Jacob van Rijs是MVRDV的创始合伙人之一,这是一个几乎不需要介绍的办公室。他们于1993年在鹿特丹成立,迅速成为20世纪90年代最具影响力的当代建筑事务所。诸如Hilversum的VPRO广播公司总部,阿姆斯特丹的WoZoCo老人住房,汉诺威2000世界博览会MVRDV的荷兰馆等签名项目立即使其成为SUPERDUTCH现象的标志。但是,鉴于MVRDV的大部分项目实际上是在荷兰境外实现的,因此Extradutch可能是一个更合适的形容词。特别是在2002年紫色联盟消亡后荷兰政治格局的保守主义摆动之后,MVRDV开始增加其在欧洲和国际上的活动。如今,该办事处正忙于中国和韩国的住房和城市设计大型项目。在过去,MVRDV经常被称为生产单线式建筑物。但如果仔细观察,它们更像是ha句&squo;–那是一首三线诗。它们具有独特的能力,仅通过一系列强有力的想法来生成项目的设计论点。通常,其中一个想法将变成项目的主要表现形式。这不仅使他们的工作对感知如此普遍,而且还使他们能够在通常特殊的条件下开展他们的项目,努力保护项目的重要资产,同时能够做出妥协,而不是扼杀其本质。
课程简介: Together with Nathalie de Vries and Winy Maas Jacob van Rijs is one of the founding partners of MVRDV, an office which hardly needs an introduction. Founded in 1993 in Rotterdam, they became quickly of the most influential contemporary architectural offices of the 1990s. Signature projects such as the Headquarter of the VPRO Broadcasting Company in Hilversum, the WoZoCo Housing for the Elderly in Amsterdam, or the Dutch Pavilion at the Hanover 2000 World Expo MVRDV instantly made them a hallmark of the SUPERDUTCH phenomenon. But maybe Extradutch would be a more fitting adjective, given that a substantial share of MVRDV’s projects is actually realized outside of the Netherlands. In particular after the conservative swing in the Dutch political landscape that followed the demise of the purple coalition in 2002, MVRDV started to increase their activities in Europe and internationally. Today the office is busy with large-scale projects for housing and urban design in China and South-Korea. In the past, MVRDV was often said to produce one-liner buidlings. But if you look closely, they are more like haiku’s – that’s a three-liner poem. They have a unique capability to generate the design thesis of a project out of a series of a few strong ideas only. And often one of this ideas will be turned into the lead expression of the project. This has not only made their work so pervasive to perception, it has also enabled them to carry out their projects under often peculiar conditions, working hard to conserve the important assets of a project while being able to make compromises that do not hollow out its essence.
关 键 词: MVRDV; 住房和城市设计; 保护工程
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-06-13:zyk
阅读次数: 54