
Advancements in Social Media Retrieval: How did PetaMedia help?
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/petamediaworkshop2011_hanjalic_advanceme...  
主讲教师: Alan Hanjalic
开课单位: 代尔夫特理工大学
开课时间: 2011-10-19
课程语种: 英语
本演示文稿简要概述了FP7卓越网络(NoE)点对点标记媒体(PetaMedia)。该NoE的建立和实施旨在探索在社交网络环境中开发多媒体信息检索(MIR)的先进解决方案的可能性。 PetaMedia已经基于三重协同范式接近了这些解决方案的实现。该范例为MIR提供了一个概念框架,该框架基于三个信息源的集成:多媒体内容分析(MCA)(使用信号处理,数据挖掘,计算机视觉和模式识别自动将元数据分配给多媒体数据),用户贡献的注释(例如标签,评论,评级和明确建议),以及社交网络分析(分析网络中的信息流,并在用户,内容和元数据之间推导隐式关系和偏好规范)。该演示文稿阐述了PetaMedia使用其基于三重协同范式开发的MIR解决方案的实例所取得的成就。它还概述了PetaMedia在广泛的MIR研究界中有针对性地传播这些结果的工作。
课程简介: This presentation provides a brief overview of the FP7 Network of Excellence (NoE) Peer-to-Peer Tagged Media (PetaMedia). This NoE has been established and conducted with the goal to explore the possibilities for developing advanced solutions for multimedia information retrieval (MIR) in the social network context. PetaMedia has approached the realization of these solutions based on the triple-synergy paradigm. This paradigm provides a conceptual framework for MIR that builds on integration of three information sources: multimedia content analysis (MCA) (automatically assigning metadata to multimedia data using signal processing, data mining, computer vision and pattern recognition), user-contributed annotations (e.g. tags, comments, ratings and explicit recommendations), and analysis of social networks (analyzing information flows in networks and deriving implicit relations and preference specifications among users, content and metadata). The presentation illustrates the achievements of PetaMedia using the examples of its MIR soluitons developed on the basis of the triple-synergy paradigm. It also provides an overview of the efforts within PetaMedia that targeted dissemination of these results in the broad MIR research community.
关 键 词: 解决方案; 概念框架; 多媒体数据; 社会网络分析
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-06-01:吴雨秋(课程编辑志愿者)
阅读次数: 50