

Social Science Methodology, Statistics and Informatics
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/promo_social_science_methodology/  
主讲教师: Anuška Ferligoj
开课单位: 卢布尔雅那大学
开课时间: 2011-09-23
课程语种: 英语
研究项目社会科学方法论,统计学和信息学已于1998年建立。研究项目被选为斯洛文尼亚研究机构在2005年和2006年资助的最佳研究项目之一。目前该研究项目由11名研究人员和5名初级研究人员组成。 。该小组一直在研究社会方法论,统计学和信息学领域的一些最前沿的主题和挑战。它们是:#社会网络分析#新技术和数据收集#测量和解释信息社会现象#社会科学领域的数学模型#数据处理的法律,经济和信息科学方面该小组是其中的领先者之一社交网络分析领域和网络调查方法领域的世界。研究计划的成员参与了许多国际研究项目,他们是方法学和数据分析领域最具影响力的国际科学期刊的编辑委员会成员,他们一直是全体会议,并邀请发言人参加国际科学重点会议。他们组织了多个国际科学会议,研讨会和暑期学校,他们是斯洛文尼亚唯一的方法和统计学方法和统计学期刊的编辑(Metodološ ki zvezki),他们在许多国际协会的董事会中发挥着重要作用。 。该小组成员因其科学成果获得了国际科学界的多个奖项。
课程简介: Research programme Social Science Methodology, Statistics and Informatics was already established in 1998. Research programme was selected as one of the best research programmes financed by the Slovenian Research Agency in the years 2005 and 2006. Currently the group consists of eleven researchers and five junior researchers. The group has been studying some of the most cutting-edge topics and challenges within the fields of social methodology, statistics and informatics. These are: #Social network analysis #New technologies and data collection #Measuring and explaining information society phenomena #Mathematical models within the field of the social sciences #Legal, economic and information science aspects of data processing The group is one of the leading ones in the world in the field of social network analysis and in the field of web survey methodology. Members of the research programme are involved in many international research projects, they are members of the editorial boards of the most influential international scientific journals in the fields of methodology and data analysis, they have been plenary and invited speakers at focal international scientific conferences in this field, they organised several international scientific conferences, workshops and summer schools, they are editors of the only methodological and statistical journal in Slovenia Advances in Methodology and Statistics (Metodološki zvezki), and they play an important part in boards of many international associations. The members of the group obtained several awards from the international scientific community for their scientific results.
关 键 词: 社会科学方法论; 社会网络分析; 国际科学期刊
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-09-25:yumf
阅读次数: 44