

Cyc Representing, Acquiring and Using Knowledge
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/solomon_witbrock_cyc/  
主讲教师: Michael Witbrock
开课单位: 中青旅股份有限公司
开课时间: 2007-05-28
课程语种: 英语
中文简介: 这次讲座将由 cycorp的首席主任 michael witbrock 主持, 该公司参与了最大知识数据库和假设系统的建设。在讲座中, 他将向我们介绍如何对知识进行编码, 以及计算机如何使用这些知识, 目的是执行新的未知事实。他还将展示一些演示, 这些演示指向 cyc 的能力, cyc 以其质量比任何其他已知的现代方法都能在网络上找到。我们还必须提到, cycorp 在斯洛文尼亚开设了新的分公司。 在研讨会上, 我们将讨论 cyc 系统, 据说它是计算机和人工智能历史上最具争议的实验之一。cyc 的概念始于 80年代, 当时斯坦福大学的一组科学家的目标是建立知识基础, 将我们在日常生活中所掌握的大部分知识结合起来。在知识库之外, 还将使用一种结论制定机制, 并将能够利用编码的知识来形成未知的知识。经过20年的发展, cyc 系统包含了大量编码在形式逻辑中的常识知识。该系统被用于一系列困难的应用, 需要更深入地了解存储的信息。 在讲座中, 我们将能够看到 cyc 在实践中是如何工作的。斯洛文尼亚 cyc 和 jozef stefan 研究所开设了 cyc 新的分支机构, 以继续开发该系统。迈克尔·威特博克也是斯洛文尼亚的隶属关系主任。
课程简介: This lecture will be given by Michael Witbrock, chief director of Cycorp  which is involved in the construction of the largest knowledge database and system for assumptions. On the lecture he will present us how to encode knowledge and how this knowledge is being used by computers with the intent to perform new unknown facts. He will also show some demos, which are pointing to the capabilities of Cyc which with its quality performs better results than any other known modern method which can be found on the web. We have to mention also that Cycorp has opened its new branch office in Slovenia. On the seminar we will discuss the Cyc system which is said to be one of the most controversial experiments in computer and artificial intelligence history. The idea of Cyc has its beginnings in the 80s when the goal of a group of scientists from the University of Stanford was to build base of knowledge which would incorporate most of the knowledge we operate with in everyday life. On top of the knowledge base a mechanism of conclusion making would be used and would enable the use of encoded knowledge for the formulation of unknown knowledge. After 20 years of development the Cyc system contains a great quantity of common sense knowledge encoded in formal logic. The system was used for a series of difficult applications where a deeper view into the stored information was needed. On the lecture we will be able to see how Cyc works in practice. Cyc and Jozef Stefan Institut, Slovenia have opened a new branch of Cyc to continue the development of the system. Michael Witborck is also the director of the Slovene affiliation.
关 键 词: 数据库; 编码; 形式逻辑
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2021-12-27:liyy
阅读次数: 54