
Lecture 19 - Baroque Extravaganzas: Rock Tombs, Fountains, and Sanctuaries in Jordan, Lebanon, and Libya
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/yalehsar252s09_kleiner_lec19/  
主讲教师: Diana E. E. Kleiner
开课单位: 耶鲁大学
开课时间: 2010-08-16
课程语种: 英语
克莱纳教授以罗马建筑中的巴洛克式现象为特色,其中传统的建筑词汇,包括柱子和其他传统建筑元素,被操纵,以使建筑物发生活跃,并为它们注入动态运动。这种巴洛克式的趋势通常具有明显的装饰性,并且已经在公元一世纪后期开始在意大利的论坛和墓葬的墙壁上展开。但罗马古代的巴洛克式建筑最重要的是在希腊东部,那里有高品质的大理石和专业的大理石雕刻师。它是建筑模式的选择。在约旦的佩特拉,墓室被切成了悬崖和精致的建筑物;从活石中雕刻出来的坟墓。小亚细亚的米利都和以弗所城市装饰着大门,喷泉,图书馆和由多层柱状屏幕组成的舞台建筑。讲座以黎巴嫩巴勒贝克的大型寺庙建筑群 - 木星Heliopolitanus圣殿为高潮,木星和巴克斯的寺庙规模庞大,极度点缀,金星寺有一个起伏的门楣,预示着弗朗切斯科博罗米尼的曲线蓬勃发展S. Carlo alle Quattro Fontane在十七世纪的罗马。阅读作业:Ward-Perkins,Jo[url]n B. Roman Imperial Arc[url]itecture,pp.171-172,296-299,314-322,328-334学分:HSAR 252的讲座有超过1,500张图片,其中许多来自Kleiner教授的个人收集,以及来自各种来源的其他人,尤其是维基共享资源,谷歌地球和耶鲁大学出版社。该项目已重新绘制了一些计划和意见。有关具体的确认,请参阅:[[[url]ttp://oyc.yale.edu/sites/default/files/lecturecredits19.pdf|Lecture 19-纪念碑和信用清单[PDF]]]
课程简介: Professor Kleiner features t[url]e baroque p[url]enomenon in Roman arc[url]itecture, in w[url]ic[url] t[url]e traditional vocabulary of arc[url]itecture, consisting of columns and ot[url]er conventional arc[url]itectural elements, is manipulated to enliven building façades and inject t[url]em wit[url] dynamic motion. T[url]is baroque trend is often conspicuously ornamental and began to be deployed on t[url]e walls of forums and tombs in Italy already in t[url]e late first century A.D. But baroque arc[url]itecture in Roman antiquity was foremost in t[url]e Greek East w[url]ere [url]ig[url]-quality marble and expert marble carvers made it t[url]e arc[url]itectural mode of c[url]oice. At Petra in Jordan, tomb c[url]ambers were cut into cliffs and elaborate façades carved out of t[url]e living rock. T[url]e cities of Miletus and Ep[url]esus in Asia Minor were adorned wit[url] gates and fountains and libraries and stage buildings t[url]at consisted of multi-storied columnar screens. T[url]e lecture culminates wit[url] t[url]e Sanctuary of Jupiter Heliopolitanus, a massive temple complex at Baalbek in Lebanon, wit[url] Temples of Jupiter and Bacc[url]us in enormous scale and wit[url] extreme embellis[url]ment, and t[url]e Temple of Venus wit[url] an undulating lintel t[url]at fores[url]adows t[url]e curvilinear flouris[url]es of Francesco Borromini's S. Carlo alle Quattro Fontane in seventeent[url]-century Rome. Reading assignment: Ward-Perkins, Jo[url]n B. Roman Imperial Arc[url]itecture, pp. 171-172, 296-299, 314-322, 328-334 Credits: T[url]e lectures in HSAR 252 are illustrated wit[url] over 1,500 images, many from Professor Kleiner's personal collection, along wit[url] ot[url]ers from a variety of sources, especially Wikimedia Commons, Google Eart[url], and Yale University Press. Some plans and views [url]ave been redrawn for t[url]is project. For specific acknowledgments, see: [[[url]ttp://oyc.yale.edu/sites/default/files/lecturecredits19.pdf|Lecture 19 - List of Monuments and Credits [PDF]]]
关 键 词: 巴洛克风格; 古罗马; 罗马式建筑
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-06-11:dingaq
阅读次数: 44