

Lecture 20 - Roman Wine in Greek Bottles: The Rebirth of Athens
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/yalehsar252s09_kleiner_lec20/  
主讲教师: Diana E. E. Kleiner
开课单位: 耶鲁大学
开课时间: 2010-08-16
课程语种: 英语
克莱纳教授讨论了罗马人对雅典的重生,特别是在两位哲学家奥古斯都和哈德良统治时期。虽然有些人认为罗马雅典的建筑是其古典和希腊化希腊历史的衍生物,但克莱纳教授表明,高质量的希腊大理石和希腊石雕师使这些建筑物具有相应性。此外,一些结构为罗马时代希腊和罗马之间经常和创造性地交换建筑思想和主题提供了证据。在简要介绍了雅典市的历史后,克莱纳教授介绍了奥古斯都和阿格里帕在雅典卫城以及希腊和罗马集市上建立的纪念碑,例如阿格里帕的Odeion。继Hadrian的建筑项目之后,她设有一个渡槽和水库,包括哈德良图书馆和奥林匹亚宙斯神庙,这是一个六百多年前开始的项目。克莱纳教授与P[url]ilopappos纪念碑结束了讲座,这是一座位于Mouseion山上的Trajanic墓,为一名被罗马人剥夺了Commagene王权的男子而建,但他在罗马成为一名影响领事,然后移动,从而充分利用了这种情况。到雅典,在那里他去世并被他的妹妹巴尔比拉纪念。阅读任务:Ward-Perkins,Jo[url]n B. Roman Imperial Arc[url]itecture,第263-272页学分:HSAR 252的讲座有超过1,500张图片,其中许多来自Kleiner教授的个人收藏,以及其他来自各种来源的图片,尤其是Wikimedia Commons,Google Eart[url]和耶鲁大学出版社。该项目已重新绘制了一些计划和意见。具体致谢请参阅:[[[url]ttp://oyc.yale.edu/sites/default/files/lecturecredits20.pdf|Lecture 20-纪念碑和信用清单[PDF]]]
课程简介: Professor Kleiner discusses t[url]e rebirt[url] of At[url]ens under t[url]e Romans especially during t[url]e reigns of t[url]e two p[url]il[url]ellenic emperors, Augustus and Hadrian. W[url]ile some [url]ave dismissed t[url]e arc[url]itecture of Roman At[url]ens as derivative of its Classical and Hellenistic Greek past, Professor Kleiner demonstrates t[url]at t[url]e [url]ig[url] quality of Greek marble and Greek stone carvers made t[url]ese buildings consequential. In addition some structures provide evidence for t[url]e frequent and creative exc[url]ange of arc[url]itectural ideas and motifs between Greece and Rome in Roman times. After a brief introduction to t[url]e [url]istory of t[url]e city of At[url]ens, Professor Kleiner presents t[url]e monuments erected by Augustus and Agrippa on t[url]e Acropolis and in t[url]e Greek and Roman Agoras, for example t[url]e Odeion of Agrippa. Following wit[url] Hadrian's building program, s[url]e features an aqueduct and reservoir façade, t[url]e Library of Hadrian, and t[url]e vast Temple of Olympian Zeus, a project begun over six [url]undred years earlier. Professor Kleiner concludes t[url]e lecture wit[url] t[url]e Monument of P[url]ilopappos, a Trajanic tomb on t[url]e Mouseion Hill built for a man deprived of t[url]e kings[url]ip of Commagene by t[url]e Romans, but w[url]o made t[url]e best of t[url]e situation by becoming a suffect consul in Rome and t[url]en moving to At[url]ens, w[url]ere [url]e died and was memorialized by [url]is sister Balbilla. Reading assignment: Ward-Perkins, Jo[url]n B. Roman Imperial Arc[url]itecture, pp. 263-272 Credits: T[url]e lectures in HSAR 252 are illustrated wit[url] over 1,500 images, many from Professor Kleiner's personal collection, along wit[url] ot[url]ers from a variety of sources, especially Wikimedia Commons, Google Eart[url], and Yale University Press. Some plans and views [url]ave been redrawn for t[url]is project. For specific acknowledgments, see: [[[url]ttp://oyc.yale.edu/sites/default/files/lecturecredits20.pdf|Lecture 20 - List of Monuments and Credits [PDF]]]
关 键 词: 20罗马葡萄酒瓶; 罗马雅典建筑; 建筑计划
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-09-26:yumf
阅读次数: 112