

Lecture 7 - Harmony: Chords and How to Build Them
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/yalemusi112f08_wright_lec07/  
主讲教师: Craig Wright
开课单位: 耶鲁大学
开课时间: 2010-05-21
课程语种: 英语
赖特教授解释了和谐在西方音乐中的运作方式。在整个讲座中,他讨论了三角形由刻度形成的方式,一些最常见的谐波进展的工作方式以及调制的性质。赖特教授特别关注听听谐音是否在特定音乐短语中以常规或不规律的速率发生变化的听力技巧。他在本次讲座中的音乐范例广泛,包括盛大歌剧,蓝草和20世纪60年代美国流行音乐等多种风格。 阅读作业: 赖特,克雷格。听音乐,第4章 积分: 赖特教授的课程包含受版权保护的材料,包括音乐作品的部分内容,其使用可能未经版权所有者特别授权。在提供此内容时,我们依赖于美国版权法第107节规定的合理使用。我们不保证您对此内容的使用,重复使用或重新混合将构成合理使用,或者通过使用,重复使用或重新混合此内容,您不会侵犯他人的权利。如果您希望将本网站受版权保护的材料用于超出合理使用目的或希望以未经适用版权法授权的方式使用此类材料,则必须获得版权所有者的许可。 特别感谢Naxos,LLC提供来自Notes - Naxos音乐库的录音,用于与Craig Wright的听音乐课程的开放耶鲁课程出版物相关联。有关具体学分,请参阅:纳克索斯音乐学分 - 第7讲[PDF]
课程简介: Professor Wright explains the way harmony works in Western music. Throughout the lecture, he discusses the ways in which triads are formed out of scales, the ways that some of the most common harmonic progressions work, and the nature of modulation. Professor Wright focuses particularly on the listening skills involved in hearing whether harmonies are changing at regular or irregular rates in a given musical phrase. His musical examples in this lecture are wide-ranging, including such diverse styles as grand opera, bluegrass, and 1960s American popular music. Reading assignment: Wright, Craig. Listening to Music, chapter 4 Credits: Professor Wright's course contains copyrighted material, including portions of musical works, the use of which may not have been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. In making this content available, we have relied on fair use as provided for in section 107 of the United States Copyright Law. We make no representation that your use, reuse or remixing of this content will constitute fair use or that by using, reusing or remixing this content you will not infringe upon the rights of others. If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes that exceed fair use or wish to use such material in a manner that is not authorized under the applicable copyright law, you must request permission from the copyright owner. Special thanks to Naxos, LLC for providing recordings from the Notes - Naxos Music Library for use in connection with the Open Yale Courses publication of Craig Wright's Listening to Music course. For specific credits, see: Naxos Music Credits - Lecture 7 [PDF]
关 键 词: 风格; 技巧; 乐句
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-09-26:yumf
阅读次数: 56