
Lecture 5 - Property, Freedom, and the Essential Job of Government

Lecture 5 - Property, Freedom, and the Essential Job of Government
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/yaleplsc270f09_rae_lec05/  
主讲教师: Douglas W. Rae
开课单位: 耶鲁大学
开课时间: 2012-07-31
课程语种: 英语
中文简介: 基于哈耶克的自由宪法,讨论了一个实用的自由理论。自由社会可以被认为是能够聚合个人知识和成就的优秀学习机器。 Rae教授使用汽车和大学管理的例子来说明自由如何让每个人都能从别人的知识中获利。 Rae教授还强调了哈耶克关于攀岩者陷入裂缝底部的故事,并讨论了拒绝帮助他人是否是一种隐含的强制行为。哈耶克的自由理论适用于发展中国家的极端贫困现代案例。 Rae教授还讨论了耶鲁大学出版社决定不在最近的一本书中发表描述先知穆罕默德的有争议的漫画。讲座以德索托关于生死资本的概念以及产权在释放资本主义生产力方面的重要性作出结论。
课程简介: A practical theory of freedom is discussed, based on Hayek's Constitution of Liberty. Free societies can be thought of as great learning machines capable of aggregating individuals' knowledge and accomplishments. Professor Rae uses examples from automotives and university administration to illustrate how freedom allows everybody to profit from others' knowledge. Professor Rae also highlights Hayek's story of the rock climber who is stuck at the bottom of the crevasse, and discusses whether refusing to assist another is an implicit act of coercion. Hayek's theories of freedom are applied to modern cases of extreme poverty in developing countries. Professor Rae also discusses Yale University Press' decision not to publish controversial cartoons depicting the prophet Mohammed within a recent book. The lecture concludes with de Soto's notions of live and dead capital, and the importance of property rights in unlocking the productive power of capitalism.
关 键 词: 财产权利; 隐式法; 知识利润
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-06-04:张荧(课程编辑志愿者)
阅读次数: 50