

Lecture 15 - Mass Affluence Comes to the Western World
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/yaleplsc270f09_rae_lec15/  
主讲教师: Douglas W. Rae
开课单位: 耶鲁大学
开课时间: 2012-07-31
课程语种: 英语
Rae教授讨论了美国大众富裕,股份公司和广告/消费文化的兴起。格雷戈里克拉克关于工业革命原因的理论,包括英格兰的“向下社会流动性”。在中世纪和早期的现代时期,都在探索。根据这一理论,上层阶级产生的儿童数量超过其他国家,社会地位较高的工作岗位较少。这导致上流社会的孩子们在“低级阶层”工作。就业,为较低的经济阶层注入上层阶级的工作前景。克拉克还谈到了英格兰工业革命的遗传,达尔文的解释。 Rae教授还讨论了工业革命的其他因果解释,包括外生和内生增长理论,制度和熊彼特的创造性破坏理论。还介绍了股份公司的财富创造能力。
课程简介: Professor Rae discusses the rise of mass affluence, the joint stock corporation, and advertising/consumer culture in America. Gregory Clark's theory of the causes of the Industrial Revolution, including England's "downward social mobility" in the medieval and early modern periods, are explored. According to this theory, the upper classes produced children in greater numbers than in other countries, and there were fewer jobs of high social status. This led to upper-class children working in "lower-class" jobs, infusing lower economic strata with upper class outlooks toward work. Clark also touches on a genetic, Darwinian explanation for England's Industrial Revolution. Professor Rae also discusses other causal explanations for the Industrial revolution, including exogenous and endogenous growth theories, institutions, and Schumpeter's theory of creative destruction. The wealth-generating power of the joint stock corporation is also presented.
关 键 词: 合股公司; 消费文化; 社会流动性; 工业革命的因果解释
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-09-26:yumf
阅读次数: 36