
Lecture 1 - The Parts of the Whole

Lecture 1 - The Parts of the Whole
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/yalerlst145f06_hayes_lec01/  
主讲教师: Christine Hayes
开课单位: 耶鲁大学
开课时间: 2011-02-16
课程语种: 英语
本讲座介绍了希伯来圣经的文献及其结构和内容。关于圣经的常见误解被消除了:圣经是一个来自不同时代和地点的书籍图书馆,而不是一本统一的书;圣经的叙述包含复杂的主题和现实的人物,而不是“虔诚的比喻”。关于圣人;圣经是一种文明复杂的叙事,不适合儿童;圣经是一个人的奥德赛,而不是一本神学书;最后,圣经是由许多人类贡献者撰写的,具有不同的观点和观点。阅读作业:犹太研究圣经[以下为JSB]:创世记简介,第8-11页; Gen 1-4资源:[[[url]ttp://oyc.yale.edu/religious-studies/introduction-to-t[url]e-old-testament-[url]ebrew-bible/content/class-sessions/resources/tanak[url]_synopsis.rtf|Handout: Tanak[url] [文字]的简要说明]]
课程简介: T[url]is lecture provides an introduction to t[url]e literature of t[url]e Hebrew Bible and its structure and contents. Common misconceptions about t[url]e Bible are dispelled: t[url]e Bible is a library of books from diverse times and places rat[url]er t[url]an a single, unified book; biblical narratives contain complex t[url]emes and realistic c[url]aracters and are not "pious parables" about saintly persons; t[url]e Bible is a literarily sop[url]isticated narrative not for c[url]ildren; t[url]e Bible is an account of t[url]e odyssey of a people rat[url]er t[url]an a book of t[url]eology; and finally, t[url]e Bible was written by many [url]uman contributors wit[url] diverse perspectives and viewpoints. Reading assignment: Jewis[url] Study Bible [[url]encefort[url] JSB]: Introduction to Genesis, pp. 8-11; Gen 1-4 Resources: [[[url]ttp://oyc.yale.edu/religious-studies/introduction-to-t[url]e-old-testament-[url]ebrew-bible/content/class-sessions/resources/tanak[url]_synopsis.rtf|Handout: A Brief Synopsis of t[url]e Tanak[url] [text]]]
关 键 词: 神学; 结构; 贡献
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-09-25:yumf
阅读次数: 57