
Lecture 9 - Don Quixote, Part I: Chapters XXVII-XXXV (cont.)
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/yalespan300f09_echevarria_lec09/  
主讲教师: Roberto González Echevarría
开课单位: 耶鲁大学
开课时间: 2012-09-28
课程语种: 英语
在塞万提斯将意大利小说的形式与意大利小说的集合融合在一起,可以解释在堂吉诃德第一部分结尾处插入好奇的小说。结果虽然尴尬,却导致了现代小说的创作。这部短篇小说似乎已被塞万提斯列为以同样方式出版的方式。所有人物聚集在一起大声朗读小说,与大声阅读文学的传统相联系。然而具有讽刺意味的是,这种不正常的爱情故事是在牧师的声音中听到的。 Gonzá lez Echevarrí a解释小说槽René吉拉德的爱情理论总是由第三个人调解,他也是一个激励者。这个故事为客人的年轻人提供了一个对比的文学镜像,他们参与了最终婚姻的爱情故事。唐吉诃德对阅读的中断允许各种夫妇之间的和解和所有恢复原状的法院式场景,作为对新社会形式的重申。塞万提斯的观点是,精神生活由相互反映和扭曲的水平组成。
课程简介: The insertion of the Novel of the Curious Impertinent at the end of part one of the Quixote may be explained by Cervantes' intention of meshing both the forms of the chivalric romance and of the collection of Italian novelle. The result, though awkward, leads to the creation of the modern novel. This short novel seems to have been included by Cervantes as a way to publishing it in the same way. Reading the novel out loud, with all the characters gathered connects with the old tradition of reading literature out loud. The irony, however, is that this perverse love story is heard in the voice of the priest. González Echevarría interprets the novel trough René Girard's theory of love always mediated by a third person who also works as a motivator. The story gives a contrasting mirror of literature to the young people at the inn who are involved in love stories about to culminate in marriage. Don Quixote's interruption of the reading allows the court-like scene of reconciliations among the various couples and all restitutions which were made, as a reaffirmation of new social forms. Cervantes' point is that mental life is made up of levels that mirror and distort each other.
关 键 词: 讽刺; 短篇故事集; 文学阅读
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-06-04:liush
阅读次数: 44