第11讲-堂吉诃德 第一部分:第XXXVI-LII章(续)

Lecture 11 - Don Quixote, Part I: Chapters XXXVI-LII (cont.)
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/yalespan300f09_echevarria_lec11/  
主讲教师: Roberto González Echevarría
开课单位: 耶鲁大学
开课时间: 2012-09-28
课程语种: 英语
讲座的重点是《吉诃德》第一部分的结尾, 对十七世纪的读者来说, 这只是结束, 因为第二部分还不存在, 也没有被设想。可能是因为它代表了一个困难的过程 (因为《吉诃德》不是一个有明确开端的普通故事), 结局已经包含在序曲中, 这也是一个结语, 反映了元小说的特点。考虑到这一点, 贡兹·贝斯·埃切瓦尔 í 了对构成局部结局的剧集的评论: 堂吉诃德的笼子, 以及理发师为堂吉诃德的幻想预言可能的结局所创造的预言。堂吉诃德、牧师和托莱多的教规之间的对话, 具有讽刺意味的是, 他是 "闲散的读者" 从序曲和骑士式的浪漫主义者的评论家, 探讨了骑士主义的多种可能性, 塞万提斯紧随其后他的小说, 以亚里士多德的诗学为背景。这段插曲也是对洛普·德·维加及其创新剧本的批评。这是文学史上最大的讽刺之一: 塞万提斯虽然在叙事小说中具有疯狂的原创性, 但在戏剧中却极为保守。堂吉诃德来到他的村子使他更疯狂;它现在是不可思议和陌生的空间。
课程简介: The lecture focuses on the ending of the first part of the Quixote, which for the seventeenth-century reader was, simply, the end because no second part existed yet or was envisioned. Probably because it represents a difficult process (since the Quixote is not an ordinary story with a clear beginning) the end is already contained in the prologue, which also works as an epilogue echoing the characteristics of the meta-novel. With this in mind, González Echevarría comments on episodes that constitute partial endings: the caging of Don Quixote, and the prophecy contrived by the barber foretelling a possible ending for Don Quixote's fantasies. The conversation among Don Quixote, the priest and the canon of Toledo, who ironically is the "idle reader" from the prologue and a critic of chivalric romances, explores the multiple possibilities of the romances of chivalry, which Cervantes follows in his novel, with the Poetics of Aristotle in the background. The episode is also a critique of Lope de Vega and his innovative plays. Here is one of the great ironies in literary history: that Cervantes, while being wildly original in narrative fiction, was exceedingly conservative in the theater. Don Quixote's arrival at his village has made him madder; it is now the space of the uncanny and the unfamiliar.
关 键 词: 幻想; 设想; 结尾
课程来源: 视频来源网
最后编审: 2020-06-04:liush
阅读次数: 51