6.450 Principles of Digital Communications I (MIT)[6.450数字通信原理1(麻省理工学院)\

6.450 Principles of Digital Communications I (MIT)[6.450数字通信原理1(麻省理工学院)\
课程网址: http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/electrical-engineering-and-computer-sc...  
主讲教师: Lizhong Zheng ; Robert Gallager
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2006-01-01
课程语种: 英语
该课程是对当今许多通信系统背后的理论和实践的介绍。 6.450是数字通信的两个课程序列中的第一个。第二节课6.451,是春季推出的。涵盖的主题包括:框图级数字通信,数据压缩,Lempel-Ziv算法,标量和矢量量化,采样和混叠,奈奎斯特准则,PAM和QAM调制,信号星座,有限能量波形空间,检测和无线通信的建模和系统设计。
课程简介: The course serves as an introduction to the theory and practice behind many of today's communications systems. 6.450 forms the first of a two-course sequence on digital communication. The second class, 6.451, is offered in the spring. Topics covered include: digital communications at the block diagram level, data compression, Lempel-Ziv algorithm, scalar and vector quantization, sampling and aliasing, the Nyquist criterion, PAM and QAM modulation, signal constellations, finite-energy waveform spaces, detection, and modeling and system design for wireless communication.
关 键 词: 数字通信; 标量和矢量量化; 奈奎斯特准则; PAM、QAM调制; 有限能量波形空间; 无线通信系统; 建模设计
课程来源: 麻省理工学院公开课
最后编审: 2015-12-19:linxl
阅读次数: 511