
res.18 004火炬或流水:引导部分教学(麻省理工学院)

RES.18-004 The Torch or The Firehose: A Guide to Section Teaching (MIT)
课程网址: http://ocw.mit.edu/resources/res-18-004-the-torch-or-the-firehose...  
主讲教师: Arthur Mattuck
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。
课程语种: 英语
“在麻省理工学院接受教育就像试图从一个消防队员那里喝酒一样。” —民间谚语“火炬或火焰:分段教学指南”由麻省理工学院数学教授亚瑟马特克教授提供,是麻省理工学院背诵教学的指南。在典型的复习部分,教学助理(TA)与一小组学生会面,回顾最近的讲座,扩展概念,解决实践问题,并与学生进行讨论。 Mattuck教授提供良好的幽默和良好的建议,提供新手和经验丰富的朗诵教师指导,指导哪些部分可以作为课程的补充,如何帮助学生成为更好的学习者,以及如何享受他们作为背诵教师的经验。讲师声称他们也从中学到了一些东西。该内容于1981年首次作为印刷小册子出版。这是第二版。自从它首次出现以来,它在麻省理工学院和其他大学都有广泛的分布。它最终以数字格式提供,以允许更广泛地分发和使用这种有价值的材料。如果需要进行任何重大更改以使其适应其他机构的需求,请明确通知读者该工作已从原始版本进行修改并提供指向此网站的链接。出于存档目的,翻译人员应通知MIT OpenCourseWare其版本。
课程简介: “Getting an education at MIT is like trying to drink from a firehose.” — folk saying The Torch or The Firehose: A Guide to Section Teaching, by MIT Mathematics Professor Arthur Mattuck, is a guide to recitation teaching at MIT. During a typical recitation section, a teaching assistant (TA) meets with a small group of students to review the most recent lecture, expand on the concepts, work through practice problems, and conduct a discussion with the students. With good humor and sound advice, Professor Mattuck offers both novice and seasoned recitation instructors guidelines on how sections can best serve as a complement to lectures, how to help students become better learners, and how to enjoy their experience as recitation teachers. Lecturers claim they have learned something from it, too. This content was first published as a printed booklet in 1981. This is the second edition. It has had a wide distribution, both at MIT and other universities, since it first appeared. It is finally available in digital format to allow broader distribution and use of this valuable material. If any significant changes are required to adapt it to the needs of another institution, please clearly notify readers that the work is modified from the orginal version and provide a link to this web site. For archival purposes, translators should notify MIT OpenCourseWare of their version.
关 键 词: 火炬; 流水; 教学
课程来源: 麻省理工学院公开课
最后编审: 2015-10-05:linxl
阅读次数: 81