
Lecture 26 - Reflections; Who Doesn't Hate Theory Now?
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/yaleengl300s09_fry_lec26/  
主讲教师: Paul Fry
开课单位: 耶鲁大学
开课时间: 2010-08-10
课程语种: 英语
在这篇关于文学理论的最后一次讲座中,Paul Fry教授重新审视了语言与言语,语言与意图,语言与交际之间的关系。在讨论过程中,他回顾性地将理论定义为确定“对通信产生怀疑是合法的程度”的手段。一路上,他重新与新批评家,雅各布森,巴赫金,索绪尔,德曼,费克,克纳普和迈克尔斯联系。通过分析墓志铭和通过托尼拖车的最后一次巡演,他强调了语言在课程中呈现的各种文学理论中的核心作用。阅读作业:未指定**资源:**; [[[url]ttp://oyc.yale.edu/sites/default/files/papertopics2_2.pdf|Handout:Paper Topics 2 [PDF]]]
课程简介: In t[url]is final lecture on literary t[url]eory, Professor Paul Fry revisits t[url]e relations[url]ip between language and speec[url], language and intention, and language and communication. Over t[url]e course of t[url]is discussion, [url]e retrospectively defines t[url]eory as a means of establis[url]ing t[url]e extent to w[url]ic[url] "it is legitimate to be suspicious of communication." Along t[url]e way, [url]e reconnects wit[url] New Criticism, Jakobson, Bak[url]tin, Saussure, de Man, Fis[url], and Knapp and Mic[url]aels. T[url]roug[url] an analysis of epitap[url]s and a final tour t[url]roug[url] Tony t[url]e Tow Truck, [url]e underscores t[url]e central role of language in t[url]e variety of literary t[url]eories presented in t[url]e course. Reading assignment: None assigned **Resources:** ;[[[url]ttp://oyc.yale.edu/sites/default/files/papertopics2_2.pdf|Handout: Paper Topics 2 [PDF]]]
关 键 词: 文艺理论; 语言; 文学理论; 语言与言语
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-07-05:liush
阅读次数: 47