
Lecture 15 - Uncertainty and the Rational Expectations Hypothesis: Applications to Predicting Stock Prices, Default Probabilities, and Hyperbolic Discounting
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/yalemecon251f09_geanakoplos_lec15/  
主讲教师: John Geanakoplos
开课时间: 2012-03-17
课程语种: 英语
根据理性预期假设,交易者知道未来事件的可能性,并通过以无风险利率贴现他们的预期价值来估计不确定的未来收益。在这个假设下,公司未来估值的最佳预测因素是今天的股价。在这个假设的一个着名测试中,发现详细的天气预报不能用于改善同期橙色价格作为未来橙色价格的预测因素,但橙色价格可以改善同期天气预报。在理性预期假设下,您可以通过查看价格而不是通过阅读发行人的财务状况来更多地了解公司或主权债券违约的可能性。另一方面,当贴现率而不是收益率不确定时,今天的一年利率大大高估了长期年化利率。如果今天的一年利率为4%,并且如果一年利率遵循几何随机游走,那么今天T years中一美元的价值将由双曲线函数1 /√ T描述为长期。比指数函数1 /(1.04)T大得多,无论常数K是多少。双曲线折扣是用来描述动物和人类对遥远未来的评价远远超过(指数)所暗示的趋势的术语按固定利率折扣,例如4%。双曲线贴现可以证明今天用于改善500年环境的费用是合理的,这在指数贴现下是不合理的。
课程简介: According to the rational expectations hypothesis, traders know the probabilities of future events, and value uncertain future payoffs by discounting their expected value at the riskless rate of interest. Under this hypothesis the best predictor of a firm's valuation in the future is its stock price today. In one famous test of this hypothesis, it was found that detailed weather forecasts could not be used to improve on contemporaneous orange prices as a predictor of future orange prices, but that orange prices could improve contemporaneous weather forecasts. Under the rational expectations hypothesis you can infer more about the odds of corporate or sovereign bonds defaulting by looking at their prices than by reading about the financial condition of their issuers. On the other hand, when discount rates rather than payoffs are uncertain, today's one year rate grossly overestimates the long run annualized rate. If today's one year interest rate is 4%, and if the one year interest rate follows a geometric random walk, then the value today of one dollar in T years is described in the long run by the hyperbolic function 1/ √T, which is much larger than the exponential function 1/(1.04)T, no matter what the constant K. Hyperbolic discounting is the term used to describe the tendency of animals and humans to value the distant future much more than would be implied by (exponentially) discounting at a constant rate such as 4%. Hyperbolic discounting can justify expenses taken today to improve the environment in 500 years that could not be justified under exponential discounting.
关 键 词: 不确定性; 理性预期假说; 股票价格; 违约概率; 双曲线贴现
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-07-05:liush
阅读次数: 60