
Immigration Law Symposium
课程网址: http://ocw.uci.edu/courses/course.aspx?id=124  
主讲教师: 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。
开课单位: 加州大学尔湾分校
开课时间: 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。
课程语种: 英语
我们的劳动力市场严重依赖未经授权的工人,但法律只为这些工人提供适度的工作场所保护。限制主义者谴责庇护城市,同时赞扬亚利桑那州的S.B. 1070.移民权利倡导者认为,应该允许地方选择退出安全社区,同时在先发制人的基础上与当地的反移民法令作斗争。为了恢复法治,必须促进移民执法工作,但有时正在进行的执法工作明显无视“宪法”保障的正当程序权利。这些不可能的选择和矛盾的冲动有哪些来源?法律可以用来缓解这些紧张局势,还是我们必须超越法律的界限?政治妥协是唯一的答案,还是一个议程会被排除在外?改变注定是增量还是有机会进行全面检修?这些只是本次研讨会希望回答的一些问题。
课程简介: Our labor markets rely heavily on unauthorized workers, yet the law affords these workers only modest workplace protections. Restrictionists condemn sanctuary cities while praising Arizona's S.B. 1070. Immigrants' rights advocates argue that localities should be allowed to opt out of Secure Communities while battling local anti-immigrant ordinances on preemption grounds. Immigration enforcement efforts are promoted as necessary to restore the rule of law, yet ongoing enforcement efforts sometimes unfold with apparent disregard for due process rights guaranteed by the Constitution. What are the sources of these impossible choices and contradictory impulses? Can the law be used to alleviate these tensions, or must we look beyond law’s boundaries? Is political compromise the only answer, or will one agenda emerge to the exclusion of others? Is change destined to be incremental or are there opportunities for sweeping overhaul? These are just some of the questions this symposium hoped to answer.
关 键 词: 劳动力市场; 法律; 优先购买权; 政治妥协
课程来源: 加州大学尔湾分校公开课
最后编审: 2020-09-27:yumf
阅读次数: 42