
Caistor dig
课程网址: http://unow.nottingham.ac.uk/resources/resource.aspx?hid=0aca0815...  
主讲教师: Dr Will Bowden
开课单位: 诺丁汉大学
开课时间: 2009-09-01
课程语种: 英语
2009年9月在英国最重要但最不被理解的罗马遗址之一发现的一具骨架, 让诺丁汉大学的专家感到困惑。诺丁汉大学考古系的威尔·鲍登博士, 以及诺福克郡凯斯托圣埃德蒙埋葬小镇文塔·伊塞伦的挖掘负责人, 并在这段视频中接受了现场挖掘的采访。2009年9月适合本科学习和社区教育的研究生鲍登博士, 考古学系罗马考古学副教授威尔·鲍登博士此前的研究活动包括在萨姆尼特公墓和12世纪修道院的工作在圣文森佐 al Volturno (意大利), 40 烈士大教堂调查 (阿尔巴尼亚), 并调查杰拉什 (约旦) 的大教堂综合体 (与 bat brk 教授 (罗马大学, la sapienza) 合作)。他还广泛研究了利用过去构建希腊和阿尔巴尼亚目前身份的问题。目前的项目活动包括 caistor roman 镇项目和 butrint 项目 (阿尔巴尼亚) 的工作。布特林特项目 (阿尔巴尼亚) 是一个跨学科的研究项目, 重点是阿尔巴尼亚南部海岸的古老和中世纪城镇布特林特。自1994年项目成立以来, 威尔·鲍登博士目前在该项目中的作用涉及公布1994-2003 对 triconch 宫 (一个主要的已故罗马镇别墅) 的挖掘工作, 并出版了罗马别墅和早期基督教教堂在 diaporit 遗址, 他在那里指导了2000年至2004年的挖掘工作。caistor st edmund roman 镇项目是一项新的研究举措, 重点是罗马的 venta icenorum 镇, 该镇是在公元60-61年布迪坎起义后在伊塞尼领土上建立的。这里的研究旨在绘制该镇的基础对周边地区的影响, 并考察定居点的发展和最终衰落。该项目正在与南诺福克郡理事会和诺福克郡考古信托基金合作制定, 其主要目标之一是利用正在进行的研究, 鼓励更广泛地承认和公众享有这一重要的罗马遗址。
课程简介: A skeleton, found in September 2009 at one of the most important, but least understood, Roman sites in Britain is puzzling experts from The University of Nottingham. Dr Will Bowden from the Department of Archaeology at the University of Nottingham and leader of excavations at the buried town of Venta Icenorum at Caistor St Edmund in Norfolk and is interviewed in this video on site at the dig. September 2009 Suitable for Undergraduate study and community education Dr Will Bowden, Associate Professor of Roman Archaeology, Department of Archaeology Dr Will Bowden's previous research activity includes work on the Samnite cemetery and 12th century abbey at San Vincenzo al Volturno (Italy), survey of the Basilica of the Forty Martyrs (Albania), and survey of the cathedral complex at Jerash (Jordan) (in collaboration with Prof. Beat Brenk (University of Rome, La Sapienza)). He has also worked extensively on the use of the past in constructing present identities in Greece and Albania. Current Project activity includes work on the Caistor Roman Town project and the Butrint Project (Albania). The Butrint Project (Albania) is an interdisciplinary research project focused on the ancient and medieval town of Butrint on the coast of southern Albania. Involved with the project since its inception in 1994 Dr Will Bowden's current role within the project is concerned with the publication of the 1994-2003 excavations of the Triconch Palace (a major late Roman town-house) and the publication of the excavations of a Roman villa and early Christian church at the site of Diaporit, where he directed excavations from 2000-2004. The Caistor St Edmund Roman Town project is a new research initiative focused on the Roman town of Venta Icenorum, which was established in the territory of the Iceni in the aftermath of the Boudican revolt of AD 60-61. Research here is intended to chart the effects of the town's foundation on its surrounding area and to examine the development and eventual decline of the settlement. The project is being developed in collaboration with South Norfolk Council and the Norfolk Archaeological Trust and one of its key aims is to use ongoing research to encourage wider recognition and public enjoyment of this important Roman site.
关 键 词: 考古; 布特林特项目; 古罗马遗址; 罗马网站
课程来源: 诺丁汉大学公开课
最后编审: 2015-09-26:linxl
阅读次数: 49