

CMS.796 Major Media Texts (MIT)
课程网址: http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/comparative-media-studies/cms-796-majo...  
主讲教师: Diana Henderson
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2006-01-01
课程语种: 英语
这门课对具有历史意义的媒体 "文本进行了深入的研究和分析," 被认为是地标性的, 或持续了广泛的批评和学术讨论。这类文本可能包括口头史诗、故事周期、戏剧、小说、电影、歌剧、电视剧和数字作品。本课程强调从各种语境和审美的角度进行仔细阅读。教学大纲每年都不一样, 可以围绕推出新模式和新体裁的作品、反思自己媒体做法的作品, 或从一种媒体迁移到另一种媒体的故事来组织。至少有一个指定的文本是合作教授的, 访问讲座和讨论是该主题的一个常规特征。
课程简介: This class does intensive close study and analysis of historically significant media "texts" that have been considered landmarks or have sustained extensive critical and scholarly discussion. Such texts may include oral epic, story cycles, plays, novels, films, opera, television drama and digital works. The course emphasizes close reading from a variety of contextual and aesthetic perspectives. The syllabus varies each year, and may be organized around works that have launched new modes and genres, works that reflect upon their own media practices, or on stories that migrate from one medium to another. At least one of the assigned texts is collaboratively taught, and visiting lectures and discussions are a regular feature of the subject.
关 键 词: 媒体实践; 客座演讲; 语境; 审美观点
课程来源: 麻省理工学院公开课
最后编审: 2015-10-04:linxl
阅读次数: 54