
7.340 Ubiquitination: The Proteasome and Human Disease
课程网址: http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/biology/7-340-ubiquitination-the-prote...  
主讲教师: Dr. Marta Rubio
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2004-09-01
课程语种: 英语
本课程是麻省理工学院生物系提供的许多 高级本科研讨会之一。这些研讨会专为有兴趣使用初级研究文献的学生量身定制,以便在高度互动的环境中讨论和了解当前的生物学研究。该研讨会更深入地了解真核细胞为靶向蛋白质降解而进化的翻译后机制。学生们通过以前用另一种小蛋白质泛素标记,了解特定机器(蛋白酶体)如何识别和降解蛋白质。其他主题包括泛素 - 蛋白酶体功能的原理,其对最重要的细胞途径的控制,以及该系统在不同人类疾病中的意义。最后,还提到了对泛素 - 蛋白质体系统知识的增加以及目前在设计新的药理学药物以应对疾病方面的新技术的推测。
课程简介: This course is one of many Advanced Undergraduate Seminars offered by the Biology Department at MIT. These seminars are tailored for students with an interest in using primary research literature to discuss and learn about current biological research in a highly interactive setting. This seminar provides a deeper understanding of the post-translational mechanisms evolved by eukaryotic cells to target proteins for degradation. Students learn how proteins are recognized and degraded by specific machinery (the proteasome) through their previous tagging with another small protein, ubiquitin. Additional topics include principles of ubiquitin-proteasome function, its control of the most important cellular pathways, and the implication of this system in different human diseases. Finally, speculation on the novel techniques that arose from an increased knowledge of the ubiquitin-proteosome system and current applications in the design of new pharmacological agents to battle disease is also covered.
关 键 词: 泛素化; 蛋白酶体; 蛋白质降解
课程来源: 麻省理工学院公开课
最后编审: 2015-11-15:cmh
阅读次数: 46