
1.463J / 11.342J / ESD.53J The Impact of Globalization on the Built Environment
课程网址: http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/civil-and-environmental-engineering/1-...  
主讲教师: Mr. Derish M. Wolff; Prof. Fred Moavenzadeh
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2009-09-01
课程语种: 英语
该课程旨在更好地了解建筑环境、全球化、当前的金融危机以及这些因素对迅速变化和演变的国际建筑、工程、建筑领域的影响。希望我们能够更好地了解这些全球化的力量和当前的金融危机对建筑环境的影响, 以及它们将如何影响企业和你未来的职业机会。我们还将确定、审查和讨论可从最近事件中吸取的最佳做法和经验教训。我们将详细探讨国际建筑环境 "", 研究其运作方式, 并询问其中的管理、创业和专业机会、挑战和风险, 特别是日益增加的交叉和风险。多学科机会;我们会设法了解是什么让这个 "的建筑环境" 与其他行业有如此大的不同。
课程简介: The course is designed to provide a better understanding of the built environment, globalization, the current financial crisis and the impact of these factors on the rapidly changing and evolving international architecture, engineering, construction fields. We will, hopefully, obtain a better understanding of how these forces of globalization and the current financial crisis are having an impact on the built environment and how they will affect firms and your future career opportunities. We will also identify, review and discuss best practices and lessons that can be learned from recent events. We will explore the "international built environment" in detail, examining how it functions and asking what are the managerial, entrepreneurial and professional opportunities, challenges and risks in it, especially growing crossover and multi-disciplinary opportunities; and we will seek to understand what makes this "built environment" so different from other sectors.
关 键 词: 管理; 建筑; 工程
课程来源: 麻省理工大学公开课
最后编审: 2015-11-21:cmh
阅读次数: 50