
Entrepreneurs Forum with Professor Gregory Weiss
课程网址: http://ocw.uci.edu/lectures/entrepreneurs_forum_with_professor_gr...  
主讲教师: Gregory Alan Weiss
开课单位: 加州大学尔湾分校
开课时间: 2010-08-23
课程语种: 英语
录制的视频由Gregory Weiss博士博士于2010年4月23日录制.Gregory Weiss博士,博士Gregory Weiss博士是加州大学欧文分校化学,分子生物学和生物化学系的副教授。作为一名在Palos Verdes长大的加利福尼亚人,Weiss博士作为本科生就读于加州大学伯克利分校。他毕业于东部研究生院,就读于哈佛大学并获得博士学位。他在工业界的经验包括在Genentech进行博士后培训,在那里他致力于解剖人类生长激素与其受体之间的相互作用。目前,他与Molecular Express,Inc。合作开发电化学传感器。 Weiss博士于2000年搬到加州大学欧文分校,他的实验室利用病毒破译有关生物过程的一般规则,并开创了新的抗病毒方法。作为无数奖项的获得者,他最自豪地被毕业的高级班级评为加州大学欧文分校物理科学学院2008年杰出教授。他目前领导UCI的Weiss实验室,其中包括14名博士后研究员,研究生和本科生。他实验室的新项目包括将病毒连接到电子电路中,并直接用分子电子学观察单个分子。
课程简介: A recorded video featuring Dr. Gregory Weiss, PhD, recorded on April 23, 2010. Dr. Gregory Weiss, PhD Dr. Gregory Weiss is an Associate Professor in the Departments of Chemistry, Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at UC Irvine. A Californian who grew up in Palos Verdes, Dr. Weiss attended UC Berkeley as an undergraduate. He moved East for graduate school, attending Harvard University and graduating with a Ph.D. in chemistry and chemical biology in 1997. His experience with industry includes post-doctoral training at Genentech, where he worked on dissecting interactions between human growth hormone and its receptor. Currently he collaborates with Molecular Express, Inc. on the development of electrochemical sensors. Dr. Weiss moved to UC Irvine in 2000, where his laboratory uses viruses to decipher general rules about biological processes and pioneers new anti-viral methods. The recipient of numerous awards, he is most proud to have been named the 2008 Outstanding Professor in the School of Physical Sciences at UC Irvine by the graduating senior class. He currently leads the Weiss Laboratory at UCI that includes 14 post-doctoral fellows, graduate and undergraduate students. New projects in his lab include wiring viruses into electronic circuits and directly watching single molecules with molecular electronics.
关 键 词: 企业家论坛; 格雷戈里韦斯; 经济
课程来源: 加州大学欧文分校公开课
最后编审: 2015-12-23:gmj
阅读次数: 60