
Sustainability and Conflict in the Developing World
课程网址: http://ocw.uci.edu/lectures/sustainability_and_conflict_in_the_de...  
主讲教师: Renard Sexton
开课单位: 加州大学尔湾分校
开课时间: 2011-08-13
课程语种: 英语
2011年4月13日由 renard sexton 主持的 cusa 可持续发展研讨会。renard sexton 是 fundacion futuro latinoamericano (厄瓜多尔基多) 项目协调员, 也是国际事务专栏作家, 《纽约时报》。越来越多的学术、应用和新闻研究表明, 发展中世界的自然资源与冲突之间存在着牢固的关系。无论是在高价值、可开采的自然资源的情况下被归咎于 "资源诅咒", 还是在水、土地、渔业和其他资源上的 "稀缺和竞争", 自然资源和环境显然都是因为它们对人类的生存, 是暴力冲突的重要促成者和受害者。虽然有许多战略可以在短期和中期内分析和改变这类冲突, 例如就具体资源进行谈判和解决办法、授予对资源控制权的外部干预措施、国际抵制资源供资冲突等, 可持续性和可持续发展已成为长期战略的一个潜在关键方面。这次谈话将在非常实际的层面上以及在理论上分析, 在哪些方面已经成功, 也可能取得成功, 在哪些方面可能会失败。
课程简介: A CUSA Sustainability Seminar delivered by Renard Sexton on April 13, 2011. Renard Sexton is the Project Coordinator, Fundacion Futuro Latinoamericano (Quito, Ecuador) and is an International Affairs Columnist, FiveThirtyEight (New York Times). There is a growing body of academic, applied and journalistic research that points to a strong relationship between natural resources and conflict in the developing world. Whether attributed to a 'resource curse' in the case of high value, extractable natural resources, or 'scarcity and competition' over water, land, fisheries and other resources, it is clear that natural resources and the environment, because of their importance to human survival, are an important contributor to and victim of violent conflict. While there are many strategies for analyzing and transforming these sorts of conflicts in the short and medium term, such as negotiations and settlements over specific resources, external interventions that award control over resources, international boycotts of resources funding conflict, etc., sustainability and sustainable development have emerged as a potential key aspect of long term strategies. This talk will analyze, at a very practical level as well as in theory, where this has been and could be successful and where it will likely fall short.
关 键 词: 线性代数; 微分方程; 傅立叶级数和傅立叶变换
课程来源: 加州大学欧文分校公开课
最后编审: 2015-12-30:gmj
阅读次数: 43