
Popular Policing Video Lecture Part II
课程网址: http://opencontent.uct.ac.za/Law/Popular-Policing-Video-Lecture-P...  
主讲教师: Irvin.Kinnes; Clifford D.Shearing
开课单位: 开普敦大学
开课时间: 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。
课程语种: 英语
本次研讨会是克利福德·希尔林(Clifford Shelling)介绍的安全治理数字化趋势课程的一部分,该课程侧重于公民或大众警务。约翰卡特赖特,集中在一个叫Zwelethemba模式的公民警务的特殊案例中,在开普敦附近的Zwelethemba地区,当地社区参与了维和行动。课程设计由课程主持人在教室内展示,学生可以直接接触到所展示的材料并相互交流。
课程简介: This seminar is part of a digital course Trends in the Governance of Security , introduced by Clifford Shearing, which focuses on civic or popular policing. John Cartwright, focuses on a particular case of civic policing called the Zwelethemba model where local communities are involved in peacekeeping in the area of Zwelethemba, near Cape Town. The course is designed to be presented by a course facilitator within a class room setting where students can engage directly with the materials presented and with each other.
关 键 词: 视频讲座; 犯罪学; 法律; 警务; 数字化
课程来源: 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。
最后编审: 2016-06-04:lkn
阅读次数: 44