
Accountability and Deterrence in Online Life
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/acmwebsci2011_feigenbaum_deterrence/  
主讲教师: Joan Feigenbaum
开课单位: 耶鲁大学
开课时间: 2011-07-19
课程语种: 英语
在线生活中隐私和安全的标准技术方法是预防性的: 在有人访问机密数据或采取任何其他涉及隐私或安全的行动之前, 应要求他证明自己有权这样做。随着在线活动的规模和复杂性的增加, 预防办法显然是不够的;因此, 越来越多的信息安全研究人员更加依赖问责机制来补充预防措施。尽管人们普遍认为 "问责" 在网络生活中很重要, 但这一术语没有标准定义。我们对问责制的研究作出了三个贡献: (1) 我们以现实的例子充实我们的说法, 即对安全采取纯粹的预防性办法是不够的;(2) 我们提出、比较和对比一些现有的正式问责框架;(3) 我们探讨 "威慑" 在这方面是否比 "问责" 更好的一般用语的问题。
课程简介: The standard technical approach to privacy and security in online life is preventive: Before someone can access confidential data or take any other action that implicates privacy or security, he should be required to prove that he is authorized to do so. As the scale and complexity of online activity has grown, it has become apparent that the preventive approach is inadequate; thus, a growing set of information-security researchers has embraced greater reliance on accountability mechanisms to complement preventive measures. Despite widespread agreement that “accountability” is important in online life, the term has no standard definition. We make three contributions to the study of accountability: (1) We flesh out with realistic examples our claim that a purely preventive approach to security is inadequate; (2) We present, compare, and contrast some existing formal frameworks for accountability; (3) We explore the question of whether "deterrence" may be a better general term in this context than "accountability".
关 键 词: 计算机科学; 密码学和安全; 乌托邦理想的IT安全
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-06-03:毛岱琦(课程编辑志愿者)
阅读次数: 33