Gloria Mundi virtuali SiC过渡?在秘密组织计算社会科学的前景和危险

Sic Transit Gloria Mundi Virtuali? Promise and Peril in the Computational Social Science of Clandestine Organizing
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/acmwebsci2011_keegan_intersection/  
主讲教师: Brian Keegan
开课单位: 西北大学
开课时间: 2011-07-19
课程语种: 英语
大型多人在线游戏 (mmog) 维护所有玩家行为和属性的存档数据库, 包括账户参与非法行为的活动。如果网络世界中的个人在与线下世界相似的社会和心理动机和约束下运行, 则在线行为数据可以为离线行为的理论提供信息。我们在 mmog 中研究高风险交易关系, 以阐明在线秘密组织为平衡安全性和效率而采用的结构, 并将其与线下贩毒网络进行比较。这些数据提供了在离线世界中进行不符合道德或不切实际的社会研究的可能性。然而, 从在线环境中的秘密行为进行分析和概括, 就此类映射的有效性以及在这些情况下适合哪些方法和指标提出了复杂的认识论和方法论问题。最后, 我们讨论如何将计算社会科学应用于在线和离线犯罪学问题, 并强调这些技术的双重用途 "影响"。
课程简介: Massively multiplayer online games (MMOGs) maintain archival databases of all player actions and attributes including activity by accounts engaged in illicit behavior. If individuals in online worlds operate under similar social and psychological motivations and constraints as the offline world, online behavioral data could inform theories about offline behavior. We examine high risk trading relationships in a MMOG to illuminate the structures online clandestine organizations employ to balance security with efficiency and compare this to an offline drug trafficking network. This data offers the possibility of performing social research on a scale that would be unethical or impracticable to do in the offline world. However, analyzing and generalizing from clandestine behavior in online settings raises complex epistemological and methodological questions about the validity of such mappings and what methods and metrics are appropriate in these contexts. We conclude by discussing how computational social science can be applied to online and offline criminological concerns and highlight the "dual use" implications of these technologies.
关 键 词: 计算机科学; 多重贸易关系; 数据科学
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-06-05:魏雪琼(课程编辑志愿者)
阅读次数: 51