
Are Linear Models Right for Language?
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/clsp_pereira_linear/  
主讲教师: Fernando C. N. Pereira
开课单位: 谷歌公司
开课时间: 2012-02-15
课程语种: 英语
在过去十年中, 线性模型已成为监督分类、排序和结构化预测自然语言处理的标准机器学习方法。它们可以处理非常高维的问题表示, 易于设置和使用, 并且可以自然地扩展到复杂的结构化问题。但这项工作有些不尽如人意。线性模型背后的几何直觉是在低维、连续的问题下发展起来的, 而自然语言问题则涉及非常高的维数、具有长尾分布的离散表示。原始直觉会延续吗?特别是, 标准的正则化方法对语言问题有意义吗?我将给出最近的实验证据, 说明要使线性模型学习更适合语言统计, 还有很多工作要做。
课程简介: Over the last decade, linear models have become the standard machine learning approach for supervised classification, ranking, and structured prediction natural language processing. They can handle very high-dimensional problem representations, they are easy to set up and use, and they extend naturally to complex structured problems. But there is something unsatisfying in this work. The geometric intuitions behind linear models were developed with low-dimensional, continuous problems, while natural language problems involve very high dimension, discrete representations with long tailed distributions. Do the orignal intuitions carry over? In particular, do standard regularization methods make any sense for language problems? I will give recent experimental evidence that there is much to do in making linear model learning more suited to the statistics of language.
关 键 词: 计算机科学; 计算语言学; 机器学习
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-06-15:wuyq
阅读次数: 43