
EU Framework Program 7
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/eccs07_boch_efp/  
主讲教师: Wolfgang Boch
开课单位: 欧盟委员会
开课时间: 2007-11-21
课程语种: 英语
wolfgang boch 与欧洲联盟委员会在欧盟研究框架方案范围内就信息和通信技术 (ict) 开展了15年以上的合作。2007年1月, 他被任命为 "未来和新兴技术股股长 – 在框架方案七 (2007–2013) 范围内" 的积极主动的举措。fet-pro活跃的目标是培育欧洲创新的根基。它支持信息和通信技术方面的长期和基础研究, 特别是对发展新的科学基础的新的和替代的方法进行的激进的跨学科和多学科探索 (如生物纳米信息-齿形)。技术突破。欧洲联盟为 € 的年份提供了总额为 120 2007–2008 的资金。fet-pect 是信息和通信技术领域长期研究的开拓者和孵化器。他的背景是电气工程和信息学, 专注于反馈和控制系统。他拥有德国卡尔斯鲁厄大学电气工程硕士学位。在加入欧盟委员会之前, 他在德国航空航天和航空电子行业从事研发 & 研发工作了10年。在欧盟委员会, 他曾担任过与网格技术和环境远程信息处理应用有关的 ict 研究部门负责人。
课程简介: Wolfgang Boch is working with the European Commission for more than 15 years on Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), within the EU Framework Programmes for Research. In January 2007, he has been appointed Head of Unit for "Future and Emerging Technologies – Proactive Initiatives" in the context of Framework Programme VII (2007–2013). FET-Proactive aims to nurture the roots of innovation in Europe. It supports long-term and foundational research in ICT, in particular, radical interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary explorations (such as bio-nano-info-cogno) of new and alternative approaches towards the development of new scientific foundations and technological breakthroughs. The FET proactive Initiatives are granted by the European Union a total funding of 120 M€ for the years 2007–2008. The FET-scheme acts as the pathfinder and incubator for new ideas and themes for long-term research in the area of information and communication technologies. His background is in Electrical Engineering and Informatics with a focus on feedback and control Systems. He holds a Master's Degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Karlsruhe, Germany. Prior to joining the European Commission he worked for 10 years in R&D in the German aerospace and avionics industry. In the European Commission he has held previous positions as Head of Unit on ICT research related to Grid Technologies and Telematics Applications for the Environment.
关 键 词: 科学; 科研; 欧盟
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-06-24:yumf
阅读次数: 52