
Interview with Denis Noble
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/eccs07_noble_int/  
主讲教师: Denis Noble, Davor Orlič
开课单位: 牛津大学
开课时间: 2007-11-20
课程语种: 英语
在采访中, 我们可以发现, 心脏血管生理学教授丹尼斯·诺布尔建造了最早的心脏模型之一, 最近写了一本名为《 "生命音乐" 系统生物学》的非常具有挑衅性的书。在欧洲复杂系统会议上, 视频网络团队在德累斯顿与他进行了交谈。我们向他询问了他在会议上的演讲、dna、分子、生命的意义 * * 以及生物是如何工作的 * * *。当被问及是否从应用程序转向哲学时, 他积极地回答. \//"用我的书消除你可能犯的一些错误, 用别人的隐喻来解释, 用我的隐喻作为对比, 爬上梯子, 然后把这些也扔掉!离开你自己, 想想你真正认为生物学是什么。
课程简介: In the interview we can find out that Denis Noble, professor of Cardio-Vascular Physiology, built one of the first models of the heart and recently wrote a very provocative book called "Music of Life" about systems biology. The Videolectures.Net team spoke to him in Dresden at the European Conference on Complex Systems. We asked him **about his lecture at the conference, DNA, molecules, meaning of life** and how does **the organism works**. When asked if he moved from applications to philosophy, he answers positively.\\ //"Use my book to get rid of some mistakes you may have made by using metaphores of other people, use my metaphores as a contrast, go up the ladder but then throw these away too! Leave yourself, think yourself what you really think biology is about."//
关 键 词: 医药; 生物; 采访
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-06-11:dingaq
阅读次数: 65