语义维基 - 语义链接到MediaWiki

Semantic Wikis - Semantic MediaWiki
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/eswc08_vrandecic_sw/  
主讲教师: Denny Vrandečić
开课单位: 卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院
开课时间: 2008-08-08
课程语种: 英语
语义 wiki 将 wiki 的特性 (易用性、低技术障碍、协作、易于链接) 与语义 web 技术 (知识结构、与背景知识模型的链接) 结合起来。自2005年首次开发第一个系统以来, 语义 wiki 已经成熟, 现在处于一种状态, 即使在语义 web 社区之外的域中, 甚至在计算机科学之外, 它们也越来越多地部署在该状态中。这的原因是那语义 wiki 不需要先进的知识和因而也是可利用的由外行, 并且那语义 wiki 提供 immeadiate 好处在 "非语义" wiki。此外, 语义 wiki 也是一个有趣的测试平台, 为设想的语义 web 和相关技术, 因为 wiki 有结构上的相似之处, 整个 web, 因此共享许多潜在的机会和陷阱。本教程介绍了两个目前最流行的语义 wiki 系统, 语义 mediawiki 和 ikewiki 的设置和使用。在本教程进行时, 这两个系统都将正式发布, 这两个系统都是将于2008年3月开始的两个即将由欧盟资助的项目的重点。
课程简介: Semantic Wikis combine properties of wikis (ease of use, low technological barrier, collaboration, easy linking) with Semantic Web technologies (structuring of knowledge, linking with background knowledge models). Since 2005, when development on the first systems startet, Semantic Wikis have matured and are now in a state where they are increasingly deployed even in domains outside the Semantic Web community or even outside Computer Science. Reasons for this are that Semantic Wikis require no advanced knowledge and are thus usable also by laymen, and that Semantic Wikis provide immeadiate benefit over „Non-Semantic“ Wikis. In addition, Semantic Wikis are also an interesting testbed for the envisioned Semantic Web and associated technologies, as Wikis have structural similarities to the Web as a whole and hence share many of the potential chances and pitfalls. This tutorial introduces into the setup and usage of the two currently most popular Semantic Wiki systems, Semantic MediaWiki and IkeWiki. Both systems will have official releases by the time the tutorial takes place, and both systems are in the focus of two upcoming EU funded projects that will start in March 2008.
关 键 词: 计算机科学; 语义网; 维基
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-06-13:zyk
阅读次数: 70