
The Future Internet: a vision from European Research
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/ice08_martinez_future/  
主讲教师: Cristina Martinez
开课单位: 欧盟委员会
开课时间: 2009-02-12
课程语种: 英语
互联网的基础设施已经并将不断发展, 以支持和扶持新的服务、趋势和业务。欧洲致力于发挥主导作用, 探索新出现的未来互联网愿景, 这些愿景将推动对其基础网络和服务基础设施的需求。此外, 信息和通信技术正在从业务运作的一个方面和一系列消费小工具演变为支撑经济和社会的关键基础设施。与此同时, 创新的机制甚至性质也在发生变化。下一个欧盟信息和通信技术研究工作方案将反映出这一不可避免的趋势, 即在经济和社会活动中, 有可能出现更大的进展, 需要使互联网能够支持更多的使用, 同时对当前的使用进行补救在列报、安全性、信任、可扩展性、移动性等方面存在缺陷。然后, 提出的所有 "愿景" 将成为与 "未来互联网" 挑战》下联合起来并推动其要求的包罗万象的研究目标有关的用例。
课程简介: The infrastructure of the Internet has and will continually evolve to support and enable new services, trends and businesses. Europe is committed to take a leading role in exploring the emerging visions for the Future Internet that will drive the requirements for its underlying network and service infrastructure. Also, ICT is evolving from a facet of business operation and a collection of consumer gadgets to a critical infrastructure that underpins the economy and society. In parallel, the mechanisms for and even the nature of innovation are changing. The next EU Work Programme for Research in ICT will reflect this unavoidable move towards a larger share of the economy/social activities moving on line, with a need to make the Internet capable of supporting a larger number of usages whilst remedying to the current deficiencies in terms of presentation, security, trust, scalability, mobility, etc. All the "visions" presented would then become use cases in relation to an all-encompassing research objective federated under, and driving the requirements towards, a "Future Internet" Challenge.
关 键 词: 互联网; 网络; 欧洲
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-06-13:zyk
阅读次数: 37