
Centre for knowledge transfer, VideoLectures.NET, World Summit award and future plans
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/jun09_jermol_int/  
主讲教师: Mitja Jermol; Violeta Bulc
开课单位: 约瑟夫·斯特凡学院
开课时间: 2009-10-20
课程语种: 英语
信息技术知识转让中心开展教育、宣传和基础设施活动, 并在研究人员和其研究成果的用户之间直接交流信息和经验。通过合作和积极参与不同的欧洲研究项目, 该中心成功地将其活动扩大到研究和开发。大多数研究是在网络和虚拟组织等传统和新兴组织形式的知识管理领域进行的。 该中心正在运行两个门户网站。第一个是 video说教. net, 它现在正在成为一个提供高质量科学讲座的参考门户, 第二个是 ist world, 它提供自动数据收集和欧洲研究分析的服务。
课程简介: Centre for knowledge transfer in information technologies performs educational, promotional and infrastructural activities and provides direct exchange of information and experience between researchers and the users of their research results. By partnering and active engagement in the different European research projects the Centre successfully extends its activities to the research and development. Most of the research is performed in the area of knowledge management for traditional and emerging forms of organizations like networked and virtual organizations. The Centre is operating two web portals. The first one is VideoLectures.NET which is now becoming a reference portal presenting high quality scientific lectures and a second one is IST World that offers services for automatic data collection and analysis of the European research.
关 键 词: 知识转移、中心、世界信息峰会大奖; 未来计划; 分析服务
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-07-29:yumf
阅读次数: 44