
Linear-time Sorting: Lower Bounds, Counting Sort, Radix Sort
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mit6046jf05_demaine_lec05/  
主讲教师: Erik Demaine
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2009-02-10
课程语种: 英语
"今天我们要谈的是排序, 这可能不会是这么大的惊喜。我们谈了一段时间的排序, 但我们要在更高的层面上讨论这个问题, 并质疑我们到目前为止一直在做的一些假设。我们要问一个问题, 我们可以排序多快?一个很自然的问题。你可能认为你知道答案。也许你知道对于这个问题的答案可能是什么, 有什么建议吗?有几个可能的答案。他们中的许多人部分是正确的。让我们听到你想要的任何答案, 在这个新鲜的早晨开始醒来。对不起?...//
课程简介: //"Today we're going to talk about sorting, which may not come as such a big surprise. We talked about sorting for a while, but we're going to talk about it at a somewhat higher level and question some of the assumptions that we've been making so far. And we're going to ask the question how fast can we sort? A pretty natural question. You may think you know the answer. Perhaps you do. Any suggestions on what the answer to this question might be? There are several possible answers. Many of them are partially correct. Let's hear any kinds of answers you'd like and start waking up this fresh morning. Sorry?...//
关 键 词: 排序; 假设; 线性时间
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-06-26:yumf
阅读次数: 52