
Lecture 1: Administrivia, Introduction, Analysis of Algorithms, Insertion Sort, Mergesort
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mit6046jf05_leiserson_lec01/  
主讲教师: Charles E. Leiserson
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2009-02-10
课程语种: 英语
"我们要开始了如果有人没有拿起讲义, 就会在门口。我叫查尔斯·莱瑟森。我将讲授这个学期, 算法介绍, 与埃里克·德梅。此外, 这是一个 sma 课程, 新加坡麻省理工学院联盟课程, 将由许志伟在新加坡举办。因此, 所有的讲座都将被录像, 并在网上提供给新加坡学生, 以及选择在网上观看的麻省理工学生。如果你有不想出现在录像带上的问题, 你应该坐在后排。还行?否则, 你就会在上面...... "/
课程简介: //"We're going to get started. Handouts are the by the door if anybody didn't pick one up. My name is Charles Leiserson. I will be lecturing this course this term, Introduction to Algorithms, with Erik Demaine. In addition, this is an SMA course, a Singapore MIT Alliance course which will be run in Singapore by David Hsu. And so all the lectures will be videotaped and made available on the Web for the Singapore students, as well as for MIT students who choose to watch them on the Web. If you have an issue of not wanting to be on the videotape, you should sit in the back row. OK? Otherwise, you will be on it..."//
关 键 词: 算法导论; 插入排序; 递归树; 复发合并排序
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-06-04:张荧(课程编辑志愿者)
阅读次数: 41