
Opening Keynote and Keynote Interview with Jeff Bezos
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_bezos_okki/  
主讲教师: Jeffrey Bezos
开课单位: 亚马逊公司
开课时间: 2013-03-20
课程语种: 英语
一位网络的主企业家设计了一种新的方法来扩展他的领域。杰夫·贝索斯解释了亚马逊是如何利用越来越多的开发者使用该公司为自己的运营而开发的网络服务的, 而亚马逊已经是全球 5, 900万活跃客户的所在地。贝索斯的计划涉及出租 "亚马逊的胆量"--这家在线购物巨头背后的服务器和软件代码及网络。他描述了三个服务。第一个, 机械土耳其人, 命名为19世纪国际象棋自动机 (实际上是由一个人运行) "使它成为可能编码的人类智能在一个软件应用程序内," 贝索斯告诉我们。在亚马逊, 机械土耳其公司采用简单的软件, 允许个人在产品详细信息页面上 "投票", 以帮助消除重复的图像和产品。传统上由内部单位完成的工作可以由分布式互联网用户群体在他们自己方便的情况下进行, 费用很少。bezos 现在将此软件例程提供给外部人员, 用于播客转录等应用。amazon 的简单存储服务 (s3) 使用户能够使用 amazon 的海量数据存储容量, 并每年收取订阅费。bezos 说, 对于担心购买到下一级服务器容量的小企业来说, s 3 提供了一个值得欢迎的选择, 它拥有多个数据中心和相对较低的成本。企业还可以利用相同的数字网络, 通过弹性计算云运行应用程序。bezos 说, 这 "允许弹性扩展" 计算任务。许多组织需要在将应用程序扩展到更大的规模时测试 bug, 如果不必这样做, 则不希望提交新资源。它们也可能只需要间歇性的机器时间。bezos 说, 亚马逊的电脑随时准备使用, 每 cpu 每小时10美分, 每转移每 gb 数据20美分。贝索斯说, 人们很兴奋, "因为他们看到了未来可能是什么的暗示." 把一个想法带到一个成功的产品上的现实涉及很多障碍--贝索斯称之为 "没有区别的、繁重的基础设施"。"这个 ' 泥巴 ' 必须是最高质量的, 而且往往花了一条胳膊和一条腿。bezos 说, 亚马逊的网络规模计算使用户能够 "尽可能多地摆脱泥潭"。
课程简介: One of the web’s master entrepreneurs has devised a novel way to expand his domain. Jeff Bezos explains how Amazon, already home to 59 million active customers worldwide, hopes to beguile increasing numbers of developers to use web services that the company evolved for its own operations. Bezos’ plan involves renting out the “guts of Amazon” -- the servers and software code and networking behind the online shopping giant. He describes a trio of services. The first, Mechanical Turk, named for a 19th century chess automaton (actually run by a human) “makes it possible to encode human intelligence inside a software application,” Bezos informs us. At Amazon, Mechanical Turk employs simple software to allow individuals to “vote” on product detail pages to help eliminate duplicate images and products. Work traditionally done by an in-house unit can be performed by a distributed group of Internet users, at their own convenience and for little cost. Bezos is making this software routine available to outsiders now, for such applications as podcasting transcription. Amazon’s Simple Storage Service (S3) gives users access to Amazon’s massive data storage capacity for an annual subscription fee. For small businesses worried about buying up to the next level of server capacity, S3 provides a welcome alternative, with its multiple data centers and relatively low cost, says Bezos. Businesses can also take advantage of this same digital network, through Elastic Compute Cloud, to run applications. This “allows for elastic scaling up” of computing tasks, says Bezos. Many organizations need to test for bugs as they take applications to larger scales, and would prefer not to commit new resources if they don’t have to. They also may require only intermittent machine time. Amazon’s computers stand ready to serve, at 10 cents per CPU hour, and 20 cents per gigabyte of data transferred, says Bezos. People are excited, says Bezos, “because they see a hint of what the future may be.” The reality of taking an idea to a successful product involves lots of obstacles -- what Bezos describes as “undifferentiated, heavy-lifting infrastructure.” This “muck” has to be of the highest quality, and often costs an arm and a leg. Amazon’s web-scale computing enables users “to get rid of as much of the muck as possible,” says Bezos.
关 键 词: 网站; 软件应用程序; 编码
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-06-25:liush
阅读次数: 53