
Our Energy Future: Why American Science and Engineering Must Lead the Way
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_bodman_was/  
主讲教师: Samuel W. Bodman
开课单位: 美国能源部
开课时间: 2013-04-19
课程语种: 英语
塞缪尔·博德曼说, 全球经济竞争和对外国石油的依赖给美国带来的一系列挑战, 恰恰是未来几年必须激励科学界和工程界的挑战。他声称, 布什政府决心通过其提出的能源倡议, 将这些挑战转化为机遇。博德曼说, "美国必须做它一直做得最好的事情。我们必须承担风险: 领导、发明和创新. "布什政府已转移资金和优先事项, 推进开发生物质能源、新煤炭技术和更安全核电站等的项目。它还承诺为增加高能和核物理研究提供资金。虽然人们希望这套价值数十亿美元的项目将有助于创造清洁的、国内的能源, 为汽车和工业提供动力, 但博德曼说, 他 "对基础科学研究的期望超过了对新知识的期望。记得站在我在伊利诺伊州的后院, 把 (斯普特尼克) 卫星打得头痛医头。我记得赫鲁晓夫说过他会埋葬我们这是一个害怕 — 俄罗斯能力和落后的时候. "他看到了与今天惊人的相似之处, 我国的安全和经济健康与福祉面临着障碍。正如冷战刺激了太空竞赛和科学的巨大增长, 带来了随之而来的经济效益一样, 今天竞争日益激烈的世界也必须推动美国 "保持我们的科技优势" 的努力,他希望这将成为未来的经济动力。
课程简介: The set of challenges for the U.S. posed by global economic competition and dependence on foreign oil are precisely those that must galvanize the scientific and engineering community in coming years, says Samuel Bodman. The Bush Administration, he claims, has determined to convert these challenges into opportunities through its proposed energy initiatives. Bodman says, “America must do what it has always done best. We have to take risks: lead, invent and innovate.” The Bush Administration has shifted funds and priorities to press ahead with programs to develop, among other things, energy from biomass, new coal technology and safer nuclear power plants. It also pledges to fund increased research in high energy and nuclear physics. And while the hope is that this multibillion dollar set of programs will help create clean, domestic energy sources to power autos and industry, Bodman says he “expects more from basic science research than new knowledge alone.” Bodman has “vivid memories of standing in my backyard in Illinois and making out the (Sputnik) satellite over head. I remember Khrushchev saying he would bury us. It was a time of fear to be sure—of Russian capabilities and of falling behind.” He sees striking parallels to today, with our country confronting obstacles to its security and economic health and wellbeing. Just as the Cold War spurred the space race and tremendous growth in the sciences, with attendant economic benefits, so must today’s increasingly competitive world fuel U.S. efforts “to maintain our scientific and technical superiority,” which he hopes will serve as the economic drivers of the future.
关 键 词: 全球经济竞争; 工程和科学; 经济健康
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-06-27:yumf
阅读次数: 50