

Relearning Learning-Applying the Long Tail to Learning
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_brown_rla/  
主讲教师: John Seely Brown
开课单位: 施乐欧洲研究中心
开课时间: 2013-01-03
课程语种: 英语
约翰·西利·布朗说, 在一个数字连接、快速发展的世界里, 我们必须超越传统的笛卡尔学习模式, 这种模式规定了 "将知识倾注到某人的头脑中"。他说, 我们通过与他人和世界的互动来学习, 没有比一个日益开放和有组织的万维网更完美的媒介来实现这一点。 虽然有线世界可能是平的, 但它现在也以 "尖峰" 为特色, 围绕着丰富的主题组织的互动社区。布朗指出, 对于在数字世界中成长的孩子来说, 这些独特的网络资源正在成为大众文化的核心。现在, 教育工作者必须开始将混搭和混音的特点融入到学习中, 以激发 "创造性的修修补补和想象力的发挥"。模糊。布朗说, 同样, 知识 ' 生产 ' 必须更多地来自 "业余爱好者" – 学生、终身学习者和学习新技能的专业人士。布朗描述了那些24小时观测天空的业余天文学家, 他们以关键的方式补充了专业人员的工作。一个专门介绍 boccaccio 十美龙的网站欢迎学者和学生, 向所有人开放专业人文研究的世界。 21世纪教育的挑战将是利用网络的丰富资源 – 这一长长的利益尾巴 – 变成一个 "知识建设和共享圈". 布朗提出, 也许, 学校的正规课程将包括一个最小的核心 ", 获得在批判思维的本质," 搭配 "被动学习", 其中孩子连接到网络上的利基社区, 深入探索某些主题。布朗设想教育成为 "重新创造和富有成效的探索行为", 这将成为新的学习文化的基础。
课程简介: In a digitally connected, rapidly evolving world, we must transcend the traditional Cartesian models of learning that prescribe “pouring knowledge into somebody’s head,” says John Seely Brown. We learn through our interactions with others and the world, he says, and there’s no more perfect medium for enabling this than an increasingly open and organized World Wide Web. While the wired world may be flat, it now also features “spikes,” interactive communities organized around a wealth of subjects. For kids growing up in a digital world, these unique web resources are becoming central to popular culture, notes Brown. Now, educators must begin to incorporate the features of mash-ups and remixes in learning, to stimulate “creative tinkering and the play of imagination.” With the avid participation of online users, the distinction between producers and consumers blurs. In the same way, says Brown, knowledge ‘production’ must flow more from ‘amateurs’ – the students, life-long learners, and professionals learning new skills. Brown describes amateur astronomers who observe the sky 24/7, supplementing the work of professionals in critical ways. A website devoted to Boccaccio’s Decameron welcomes both scholars and students, opening up the world of professional humanities research to all. The challenge of 21st century education will be leveraging the abundant resources of the web – this very long tail of interests – into a “circle of knowledge-building and sharing.” Perhaps, Brown proposes, the formal curriculum of schools will encompass both a minimal core “that gets at the essence of critical thinking,” paired with “passion-based learning,” where kids connect to niche communities on the web, deeply exploring certain subjects. Brown envisions education becoming “an act of re-creation and productive inquiry,” that will form the basis for a new culture of learning.
关 键 词: 网络资源; 长尾理论; 教育
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-06-01:吴雨秋(课程编辑志愿者)
阅读次数: 250