
Emerging Technologies and Trends in Online Entertainment and Business
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_miller_faber_ett/  
主讲教师: Jonathan F. Miller; David Faber
开课单位: 直播国家娱乐公司
开课时间: 2013-03-20
课程语种: 英语
乔纳森·米勒说, 随着数字技术的到来, 我们已经成为一个 "多任务者、零食者和取样器" 的国家。作为媒体行业的长期参与者, 米勒感知到了两个明显的趋势: 消费的碎片化, 由于 "令人难以置信的选择爆炸", 以及企业资金和权力的整合。 米勒认为, 这些交织在一起的现象将继续上演, "对消费者有利", 因为在很大程度上, 消费者是控制住了。从手机到笔记本电脑, 再到手持游戏, 无数平台都提供了内容, 通过宽带和无线渗透, 用户几乎可以随时随地获得新闻、娱乐和数据的修复。更重要的是, 消费者可以根据自己的要求生产和分发自己的内容, 无论是原创内容还是其他作者的自由利用。博客、网站、混搭、即时消息和 youtuing 的发展火爆。米勒指出, 2002年, 互联网提供了50亿个视频屏幕, 在过去的一年里, 视频屏幕增加了5倍。 面对数以百万计的富有媒体制作商和数亿消费者, 媒体巨头被迫换挡。米勒说, 现在是一个按需的世界, 营销资金在那里花得不好, 因为产品本身推动了采用。如果消费者喜欢它, "他们选择把它传给他们的朋友 … 你不能在那里花钱", 试图逆势而去的音乐行业, 终于接受了互联网共享和商业的主导地位。现在, 其他传统媒体公司都在急于改变商业模式。比如, 他们将与电影明星和高清一起 "为电视制造伟大的产品", "提升叙事质量和观看体验"。米勒说, 他们正在寻找 "额外的数字领域", 将他们的高、低电平产品推到网络内外。由于需要 "聚合" 博客、视频和播客, 这些巨型公司仍然如此。规模仍然很重要, 所以在消费继续蔓延的情况下, 大个子们也会资助和吞没这些小家伙。米勒总结说: "在消费民主化的同时, 我们正在集中工业。"这是娱乐的黄金时代。
课程简介: With the arrival of digital technology, we’ve become a nation “of multitaskers, snackers and samplers,” says Jonathan Miller . A longtime player in the media industry, Miller perceives two distinct trends emerging: the fragmentation of consumption, due to “an incredible explosion of choice,” and the consolidation of money and power in the business. These intertwined phenomena will continue to play out, Miller believes, “to the consumers’ benefit,” because to a large degree, the consumer is in control. Content is available across innumerable platforms, from cell phones to laptops to handheld games, and with broadband and wireless penetration, users can get their fix of news, entertainment and data virtually anywhere, anytime. More to the point, consumers have at their command cheap and easy ways to produce and distribute their own content, whether original or freely exploited from other authors. There’s been a grassroots explosion of blogs, websites, mashups, instant messaging, and YouTubing. Miller notes that the internet served up five billion screens of video in 2002, and in the past year, five times as many. Confronted by literally millions of rich media producers and hundreds of millions of consumers, media giants have been forced to shift gears. It’s an on-demand world now, says Miller, where marketing money is ill spent, since the product itself drives adoption. If consumers like it “they choose to pass it on to their friends…you can’t spend your way there.” The music industry, which tried to buck the trend, finally accepted the dominance of internet sharing and commerce. Now the rest of traditional media companies are rushing to shift their business models. For example, they’re “going to make great product” for TV, “upgrading the quality of narrative and the experience of viewing it” with movie stars and high definition. They’re finding “additional digital niches” to push their high and low-level products on the web and beyond, says Miller. The giant companies remain so, because of a need to “aggregate” the blogs, videos and podcasts. Scale still matters, so the big guys finance and swallow up the little guys, even as consumption continues to spread out. “At the same time of democratization of consumption we have a concentration of industry taking place,” concludes Miller. “This is the golden age of entertainment.”
关 键 词: 网络娱乐; 媒体行业; 企业的新兴技术; 发展趋势
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-06-01:吴雨秋(课程编辑志愿者)
阅读次数: 48