
Oil, Security, Environment, Technology - The Segway Alternative
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_moniz_kamen_ose/  
主讲教师: Ernest J. Moniz; Dean Kamen
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2013-03-28
课程语种: 英语
石油、安全、环境、技术作为一种能源, 石油很难被击败。尽管有相反的报道, 但仍有大量 available—1 万亿桶的石油, 开采和利用这些桶用于运输和工业的成本很低。但是, 欧内斯特·莫尼兹提醒我们, 能源方程需要包括一些重要的新因素: 供应不安全和环境管理。如果考虑到全球变暖的代价并确保中东的稳定, 化石燃料的价格和便利性就会迅速降低。莫尼兹说, 如果美国曾经制定过严肃的能源政策, 以下是一些关键目标: 通过生产高效的车辆来减少石油需求;针对加拿大和委内瑞拉等地的 "非常规储油层";并从纤维素等无处不在的来源开发替代液体燃料。氢能是非常不经济的, 几十年后还有可行的技术, 所以我们 "不能把注意力集中在这个方向上, 阻碍了在安全和环境方面的严肃做法," 莫尼兹总结道。无论你住在曼谷还是伦敦, 都不要指望以每小时8英里以上的速度行驶--这是19世纪马车的速度。迪安·卡门说, 到 2020年, 世界上有一半的人 (约30亿人) 将搬到一个城市, 因此, "城市需要像鱼一样的汽车," 他指出, 即使你让汽车干净高效, 我们也不需要三千人 "一堆英镑的钢材可以把我们的159磅的屁股搬到镇上, "如果你能有一台无污染、使用有趣的机器怎么办", 不需要改变基础设施 – 只需更换"voila, 赛格威, 卡门的发明: 一个自我平衡的个人运输装置。如果你住在一个城市, 不需要旅行超过两英里, 那就试试赛格威吧。对于一个街区长的旅行, 拉上运动鞋, 建议卡门。他在美国各地兜售赛格威 (就像他在克雷什的舞台上所做的那样), 主张将其纳入人行道。4 5个州对赛格威的出行点头, 有的州从旧金山市和自行车大厅出发。
课程简介: Oil, Security, Environment, Technology As an energy source, oil is hard to beat. In spite of reports to the contrary, there’s still lots of it available—1 trillion barrels—and the cost of extracting and harnessing it for use in transportation and industry is cheap. But, Ernest Moniz reminds us, the energy equation needs to include some important new factors: insecurity of supply and environmental stewardship. The price and convenience of fossil fuels decreases quickly when you take into account the costs of global warming and ensuring stability in the Middle East. If the U.S. ever develops a serious energy policy, says Moniz, here are some key objectives: Reduce oil demand by producing higher efficiency vehicles; target “unconventional reservoirs of oil” in places like Canada and Venezuela; and develop alternative liquid fuels from such ubiquitous sources as cellulose. Hydrogen power is hugely uneconomical, with viable technology decades away, so we “can’t afford to have a focus on this direction impede serious approaches regarding security and the environment,” concludes Moniz. The Segway Alternative Whether you live in Bangkok or London, don’t count on motoring along at more than 8 miles per hour -- the pace of 19th century horse carriages. Half the world’s people -- around 3 billion -- will have moved to a city by 2020, says Dean Kamen, so “cities will need cars like a fish needs a bicycle.” Even if you make cars clean and efficient, he points out, “we don’t need a 3-thousand pound pile of steel to move our 159 pound butt around town, and there are still the issues of congestion and parking.” What if you could have a machine “that’s non-polluting, fun to use, requires no change in infrastructure – just a change in thinking?” Voila, the Segway, Kamen’s invention: a self-balancing personal transportation device. If you live in a city, and don’t need to travel more than two miles, try the Segway. For a block-long trip, pull on the sneakers, counsels Kamen. He has pedaled and peddled the Segway around the U.S. (as he does on Kresge’s stage) to argue for its inclusion on sidewalks. Forty-five states have given the nod to Segway travel, with some hazing from the city of San Francisco and the bicycle lobby.
关 键 词: 石油; 安全; 环境; 技术
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-06-01:吴雨秋(课程编辑志愿者)
阅读次数: 31