
Nanotechnology Collaboration, Information Transfer, and Field Structure
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/nano08_erikson_ncit/  
主讲教师: Emily Erikson
开课单位: 马萨诸塞大学
开课时间: 2009-02-25
课程语种: 英语
纳米技术是一个独特的领域, 包括许多学科和专业。企业之间的合作很重要, 这一领域的发展和跨领域的合作可能特别有益 – 通过信息交流刺激创新。根据对242家马萨诸塞州纳米技术公司的调查, 我探讨了鼓励和指导公司之间合作的根本因素。公司往往被嵌入几个不同的协会网络 – 与大学合作者、全行业协会、非正式的信息传输网络和实地身份。我考虑这些松散的协会是否导致企业之间更有形的合作类型, 并探讨是什么因素促使企业在不同学科之间建立多样化的联系。最后, 我考虑由此产生的结构可能对企业和行业产生怎样的影响。
课程简介: Nanotechnology is a unique field encompassing many disciplines and specializations. Collaboration between firms is important the development of the field and collaboration across sub-fields may be particularly beneficial – stimulating innovation through the exchange of information. Based on a survey conducted on 242 Massachusetts nanotechnology firms, I explore the underlying factors that encourage and direct collaboration between firms. Firms are often embedded in several different networks of association – with university collaborators, industry-wide associations, informal networks of information transfer, and field identity. I consider whether these loose associations lead to more tangible types of cooperation between firms, and explore what factors push firms to create diverse ties across disciplines. Finally I consider how the resulting structure may impact firms and the industry.
关 键 词: 纳米技术; 信息传输; 领域结构
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-06-25:zyk
阅读次数: 43